Always Forward - Blursed Foxes in Space Sci-Fi (2024)

Sidestory: Snow Rats - Always Forward Sci-Fi

Note: Procurement rolls are for how well the program administration/reviews go. The prototypes themselves have hidden dice of their own.

Launch Loop Shuttle: The launch loop itself is expected to be likely destroyed if we attempt to use it during a space conflict, but a militarized version of the launch shuttle can serve as a testbed and lead to improvements in relevant space technologies and a stepping stone towards larger warships and stations. (80)

The Sakura launch shuttle samples have steadily improved as minor issues in remote control and automatic systems are fixed one by one. A total of ten test articles have been lifted into space by now. Automatic de-orbit systems have also been added with a small cold gas thruster system in case of main engine failure. With reconfiguration and servicing aboard the Chrysanthemum, the semi-disposable nature of the craft has become clearer and long term use will be difficult due to thermal loading on the cryogenic fuel. As an entirely disposable kick stage to lift military payloads, it works even if it is slightly redundant with the civilian version which is meant to be re-used to an extent. Some issues are expected with a full spool up, but they can be dealt with when the launch loop comes online. However there is little use in the small kick-shuttle other than a one-way delivery mechanism and the possibility of its mass or components getting recycled for use elsewhere.

[]Accept the Sakura launch loop shuttle and hold off on production until the loop is near completion. (Frees up program slot)
[]Move to low rate production and continue testing as kick stages for satellites, probes, and telescopes. (Moves to low rate production)

Prototyping of the Peak Nuclear engine has gone very well, with the first two examples being hand-assembled from rapid printed parts with frequent changes to the design as the models of nuclear interactions and neutron flux in the odd honeycomb-like design are refined. The completed prototype was lifted into space without fuel, delivered to the Chrysanthemum, and a separate launch on a conservative trajectory delivered its nuclear fuel in reinforced casings during the same launch to restock the station's power systems and the old pebble bed tugs. Assembly of a test craft has begun in the pressurized bay of Chrysanthemum, with the 200-ton design set to use three engines to perform propulsive moon landings and takeoffs with a thrust to weight ratio of just over 0.57, far greater than the 0.22 required for lunar liftoff. It will be crewed by six Kitsune permanently, with capacity for transfer of over 30 passengers and life support for them for several weeks as well as ability to deliver large unitary cargo sections to the moon.

The engine plus a generator segment, the co*ckpit, landing legs, and large propellant and life support modules have all been launched in units that would fit on the launch loop from the ground, brought into the bay via airlocks, and built into place. Computerized laser welding is helping complete the design, joining the disparate structural elements and creating fast airtight seals on the aluminum skin of the craft. Assembly in the Chrysanthemum's 40 meter long zero gravity pressurized section has highlighted the need for a proper orbital assembly yard if large scale ship construction in space will be pursued. Even the current effort is remarkably small compared to future plans for spacecraft. The in-progress Nightingale takes up the majority of the pressurized space and even with remote control of robotic units from ground stations is requiring the efforts of a large portion of the station's population to support construction. This effectively constitutes low rate production for Peak Nuclear's system, with the program evolving beyond its original intent.

So far, the Nightingale has not yet left the berth so problems with it cannot truly be predicted, but construction has been generally smooth and on-orbit tests with the second prototype nuclear engine and a dummy payload performed well, with the engine module producing 95% of expected thrust, throttling smoothly, and showing no major issues with thermal control or the spacecraft power generation turbines.

[]Plan to build three Nightingales, to gain a modicum of space construction experience and begin developing a cadre without over-committing to an early design. This can proceed in the existing orbital cylinder.
[]Plan to build eight Nightingales, to develop a small shuttle fleet capable of servicing and exploring the moon in a reusable, efficient manner. This will divert some civilian and scientific capacity on the orbital cylinder.
[]Plan to build two dozen Nightingales. This would require launching components for a second pressurized bay for Chrysanthemum, restricting civilian and scientific space launch but creating a large lunar fleet.

Nuclear Powered Submarine: While stealthy, existing diesel-electric submarines do not have sufficient endurance to disperse and remain a threat in case of an enemy invading the planet. Constructing new submarines with compact nuclear power plants and ballistic missile capabilities can provide another defensive spike. (87)

Current armaments are going to be relatively limited due to mistakes made early in the procurement process that were not caught until now. There do not currently exist any viable ballistic missiles that can fit on a submarine hull. The weapons the automatic loading system has been designed around are the standard multirole missile set with common sizing and parts throughout the military for submarine, surface, air, and VLS launching, with all involved simply assuming the standard weapons would be used and not questioning it until too late. This has shifted the new sub's role to a Guided Missile Submarine (SSGN) rather than a Ballistic Missile Submarine (SSBN), generally requiring it to approach closer to its target and expose itself to more danger to perform its role. At least even if capabilities are somewhat lacking, the weapons themselves need no dedicated crew, merely periodic maintenance.

Continued development of submarine systems has broadly been smooth aside from that, thanks to the close cooperation of several naval-related engineering groups. Even if Lime Valley is taking the lead, the cooperation between major engineering teams that sometimes emerges when certain projects capture the imagination and the timing of lead-time and downtime between other projects is useful. Increasing computerization of sensor systems has led to a reduction in bridge crew, and Peak Nuclear is confident in their solid core, water cooled small reactor, engineering it for high reliability and ability for a single operator to oversee and maintain. Now that most submarine systems are shaping up well, it is time to choose a target size from the proposed build-out plans and begin laying down the first hull.

[] 110m, 58 crew: The largest proposed design, this class would carry up to 56 weapons on board in a very large magazine, including short ranged ballistic missiles with small nuclear warheads. All weapons will be fired through eight forward torpedo tubes due to the lack of high-capability large missiles, but a refit to large VLS cells may be possible if new weapons are developed with the 110m hull.

[] 90m, 46 crew: A middle ground between the double desiderata of cost and capabilities. With six torpedo tubes and ability to carry 48 weapons, firepower is nearly comparable to the largest design, but the largest sacrifices would be in secondary systems, reducing the ship's speed and maneuvering capabilities as well as eliminating several engineering redundancies.

[] 75m, 32 crew: An effort to reduce the crew size and necessary space for food stores to the bare minimum, a 75-meter submarine would mean several compromises on speed and secondary systems such as sensors and decoys, as well as a smaller weapons loadout. It would carry only 24 weapons and have four torpedo tubes to fire them from, and would be the cheapest to operate by far.

Reconnaissance Drone: Advancements in robotics technology have allowed for the construction of small aerial drones used for stealthy observation by infantry. Current examples used by special forces are improvised, and developing a fully engineered dedicated model would be beneficial. (31)

Delivery of 400 of the new Sakura drones has been organized with a few minor changes based on soldier feedback, mostly to make them more recoverable and repairable. Use of the drones in larger contexts has not revealed any major problems with them, though the minimal piloting skill necessary to use one manually means that most of the time they are deployed in autopilot mode, with soldiers unable to customize flight paths or account for terrain and weather. The drones are limited in several ways, if only by the limits of current technology and materials science, but they can be produced reasonably cheaply and give most infantry some sort of option for surveillance and help build experience and doctrine of using more scouting and surveillance tools. Uses as decoys or to gather information are expected in the upcoming exercises. The only remaining question is how many to order. The production burden of one of the Sakura drones is comparable to a motorcycle in material and technical complexity, with optimization for manufacture being considered before advanced capability.

Type 13 Surveillance Drone: An unarmed remote controlled aircraft with a variety of sensor systems that can take off from a level field or from confined spaces with a rocket-box launcher and feed information back to a commander's display. The Type 13 Drone is designed to work smoothly with the rest of the command and control structure, giving all command platforms the ability to integrate information from it and control it. The drone has a speed of 240 km/hr, a loiter time of 4 hours, and is considered semi-disposable in that it should be recovered and reused if possible but is no great loss if expended.

[] Mechanized Units Only: By building the bare minimum to equip the most advanced units for now, we can avoid large industrial commitments that would waste resources better used elsewhere. Line infantry formations would see the system in small numbers, likely at the battalion level, and industrial costs would be minimal with only about 5,000 produced.

[] Platoon/Company level: Stocking enough of the new surveillance drones for each full time infantry platoon to have access to them is a moderate commitment even with the relative frugality of the unit. Over 20,000 would be ordered to account for their semi-disposable nature and the fact that many will quickly become unrecoverable.

[] Squad Level/Available to Reserves: Ordering a truly large number of the new drones is something that can be justified due to economies of scale. Making them available at the squad to most units and the company or platoon level for reservists would require production of over 100,000 units, but to develop new information systems and tactics, it should be worth it.

Accelerate Launch Loop Construction: The Shen Sea Launch Loop is currently under construction as a major global effort. It is promised to be a massive triumph of Kitsune engineering and entirely revolutionize space access. It is currently expected to complete in 10 years unless further delays occur, but with increased allocation of resources and labor that time can be accelerated. (74)

The spooling up of the new cuprite crystal superconductor factory is now beginning and first samples have shown acceptable purity and durability without much incident. It is set to provide more control magnetics sections and accelerate overall launch loop construction. The loop itself is solidly taking shape with completion planned in five years. As a side benefit, after the loop finishes there will be more superconductor materials available for scientific and other purposes, as well as for the construction of further launch loops. At this point the large scale accelerator hoops at either end are complete in bulk construction, and merely await the installation of final sets of accelerators and full integration testing, with the people involved growing excited and optimistic about the system. While the Shen Launch Loop has yet to prove itself viable and true confirmation will only come upon actual use, the theory remains sound, and every aspect of the construction is being double and triple checked.

Fusion Ignition Facility: Construction of a large complex for fusion experiments is necessary in order to advance our understanding of the technology. While it won't produce anything directly useful, building a large-scale facility to test inertial and Z-pinch confinement methods for fusion plasma will advance our understanding. (73)

Initial developments at the ENFIF fusion complex have not led to any immediate breakthroughs in fusion technology, but have surprisingly opened up a new type of weapons system. Thanks to extensive modeling of fluid dynamics and ignition dynamics as well as behavior of mixed gases at high temperatures, improved methods have been devised for ensuring a smooth detonation of hydrogen-oxygen gas. The resulting combustion products perform much better from an energy perspective than conventional cannon propellants, with the largest drawback being combustion instability leading to inaccuracies as any two shots do not come out of the barrel at the same speed. However, with extremely fast detonation via plasma arcs and better models of combustion pressure, a cannon firing projectiles at extremely high speed can be built. The fusion complex itself will continue fusion research, even if nothing was discovered in the short term there is slow and steady progress being made.

Ballistics Technology:
Light Gas Guns:
Studies on plasma streams and confinement have led to deeper understanding of the behavior of hot high pressure fluids. Using an electrical plasma arc to ignite a mixture of hydrogen and oxygen in a gun barrel, high energy combustion with a light gas are created, creating very high barrel pressure and higher velocities than conventional chemical-propellant weapons. The largest issue with light gas guns aside from sourcing and storing the hydrogen and oxygen is ensuring smooth combustion, a factor which has been partially solved as a side-effect of recent plasma confinement experiments. While combustion gases are not a plasma, improvements in gas mixing and simultaneous ignition have been achieved, improving predictability. The nature of such weapons limits them to large format designs, with the currently theorized designs usable on a main battle tank or naval warships.

Implement Permanent Annual Exercises: The United Global Military has only operated large scale exercises and maneuvers on an ad-hoc basis. Making them a standard affair that occurs every year will require ongoing commitments of various supplies, transportation capacity, and other materials. Arranging for the exercises to be continually pushing the envelope and promoting new thinking is also challenging. (92)

Implementing permanent annual exercises is a major endeavor, effectively shifting the military into a higher state of activity and readiness permanently, with corresponding effects on the economy. The exercises will not be spaced evenly, and will each be unique from each other as much as possible in order to push for unexpected situations and tactics and learn from the extremis and confusion that large scale military maneuvers can cause, with long periods of analysis and report-writing following the exercises. To an extent the exercises are inherently wasteful, as they will consume a prodigious amount of supply and ammunition and even with precautions taken accidents are inevitable in any military activity of this scale. However, it cannot be helped if the UGM is to be ready for the future.

The two largest problems of making such a thing ongoing are ensuring supply and fitness of equipment and ensuring that the exercises remain useful and motivating. There is only so far that abstract attachment to the entire community of Kitsune can go, and simulated-faction-based and unit-based distribution of luxuries and awards will ensure that all opposing forces have a strong motivation to 'win' the exercise, better mimicking the conditions of a real war where major diplomatic and economic consequences are on the line. For now, bringing all forces to a higher state of readiness and supply in preparation has commenced, with several smaller regional exercises between force elements scheduled for next year, with an inaugural all-forces exercise scheduled for the year after that. (edited)

Work on Doctrine: Participating in theoretical discussion, meetings with military thinkers, reading and writing academic papers, and simulations and exercises can all contribute to the development and proliferation of new doctrinal thinking in the military. As doctrine is the social and memetic structure that the military uses to plan, it affects all aspects of high command, and continually developing it is important. (42)

Development of doctrine has been challenging due to the many unknown unknowns that are doubtlessly lurking in alien space. Perhaps the best approach is to look towards science fiction writers and the types of theoretical technologies that are known to be possible under current physics- Even if 'current physics' has changed recently. Wild speculation of advanced engineering capabilities for fusion powered spaceships, pulse lasers, particle beams, drone swarms, asteroid impactors, and magnetic cannons invites discussion of how war might be waged with advanced capabilities.

So far the development of doctrine has mostly consisted of commissioning and writing several papers about hypothetical advanced weapons and analysis of how they might best be used or defeated. Taking the capabilities of these systems as fait accompli rather than speculating on engineering, and essentially playing wargames with make-believe equipment in order to try to develop theories of future warfare and wish-lists for the military to pursue in the future. The new light gas gun prototypes have made Tamamo of the Ground Force particularly excited and led to a declaration that the Tank Triangle has shifted towards firepower again.

In terms of actual doctrinal development, new ideas are being developed by each doctrinal branch's proponents. The ideas for information control revolve around constant small feints as recon in force, disengaging at the first sign of major resistance, forcing the enemy to respond and identifying enemy positions. Various doctrinal ideas have been tested in several casual wargames, but wargames are nearly arbitrary. When major military exercises begin next year, testing of the new ideas in closer to live conditions can commence. Several exercises will even include units designated as having extremely dangerous advanced technology to prompt thinking about how to deal with a tech disadvantage, such as an aircraft that is functionally immune to return fire.

Council Consultation: Frequent discussions with the Councils that make up Iwami's civilian government will be essential to help them actually understand the pragmatic military realities of the situation and guide the best decisions for Iwami. It will mostly consist of briefing them on the state of the Army and new technologies. (62)

Briefing the Councils on military matters has been something of a relief, as the stuffy ceremonies could be kept to a minimum. Behind closed doors, the atmosphere of the Council of Six Tails is still one of attentive and careful work, but not nearly as serious. With only a few attendants to see to the pains of the many-tailed, less formal discussions mixed with complaints about aches and gossip about grandchildren and praises for the new pharmacopeias have taken place. The greatest challenge has been attempting to help the Councils understand that adding twice as many resources does not equal twice the safety purchased for Iwami, and that the military is a deeply difficult and complex subject.

It is an annoying habit of the Council to not refer to each other by name and instead address everyone by role, despite the relaxed atmosphere. While none of the five and six tail matrons who head the highest body are fools, there is a persistent idea that crash mobilization to present a sufficiently hard target to negotiate properly with will save the Kitsune in event of threats from outer space. Unfortunately, with no current signs of any alien civilization and only our own guesses and the missing Creators to go by, that is far from guaranteed. In the current environment, uncertainty is a fact that the military has to deal with. When the space telescopes discover signs of alien life, that may change and adaptation will be needed, but for now little can be done except push the limits of capability in as many directions as possible. The Council's meetings have treated Akane, the Military Coordinator, as almost one of their own with back-and-forth backrooms discussions on plans for the future and expectations for the military.

The creation of a reserve system has been praised as a shrewd political move, and in several talks the Councils have revealed that at the moment engineering capacity is less precious than plain industrial might, making advanced projects produced in small numbers more favorable for now. For example, new factories or shipyards would be more of a strain on the Kitsune public at the moment than nuclear capacity expansions, experimental programs, or research programs. The Councils have also noted that the military should focus on military affairs and leave civilian issues to them, with one joking that unless an invasion of sentient squids is expected, the idea of a military coastal hardening program can be dropped. Finally, if plans are not changed and the capacity is not urgently requested, they plan to offer an additional Major Project slot to the military when the launch loop completes.

Work on Procurement Bureaucracy: The systems to properly evaluate new systems and bring them into full production involve a healthy amount of bureaucracy and coordination among the civilian sphere, officers, enlisted, and many other parties. There are an immense number of steps and checks to ensure things proceed smoothly, and expanding the process without causing problems will take time. (36)

Development of the bureaucracy is not something it is wise to rush, especially with large scale production being more the limiting factor than engineering and prototyping at the moment, in the Council's point of view. The procurement system relies on getting a wide cross-sectional view of new equipment and how it will be used, and identifying what problems are real problems and what problems can be worked around. The recruitment and diversion of enough educated specialists to reliably and fully evaluate the technologies involved is the largest limiting factor. Due to the inherit limitations of lifespans, the military system relies on a strong level of documentation and systematized evaluations, with the offices responsible unable to simply expand on a whim. For now, the new capacity is sufficient to at least manage the work on Peak Nuclear's space engine, and another year or two of steady drives towards more hires and opening of more engineering-consultation offices should make a full fourth simultaneous procurement program viable.

Civilian Affairs:

The end of the Second Fifteen Year Plan has come with a wave of celebrations and festivals across the world. In some places, the celebrations have turned into a nearly two week long continual party, with young and old travelling and coming together in joy at all the accomplishments that everyone contributing to the global system has made. Famous regional coordinators, engineers, scientists, teachers, and soldiers are all praised publicly for displaying the virtues of the people and giving their utmost in kindness and determination to build a brighter future. The general celebration is only somewhat dampened by a worse than average hurricane season, though there are many videos on social media aggregators of huge social events from tail-grooming to dances to cooperative crafts taking place in storm shelters, giving the dreary concrete boxes an unusual zest, and mature response systems have kept casualties to a minimum, even if damages are notably high.

The Plan has been an unmitigated success in almost all respects. Carbon dioxide emissions are at an all time low since the first industrial revolution, with the largest remaining source of emissions being concrete production and other industrial processes. Cheap electrical power with the construction of newer-generation liquid salt cooled reactors along with massive improvements in fuel recycling and breeding technologies has ensured that the people of Iwami have plentiful electricity for their needs without excessive damage to the environment. The mass construction of farms and improvements in agriculture have made food cheaper than ever before, with many traditional clans relocating by invitation to new greenhouse-complexes with a field of glass roofs assembled and welded together via laser, all surrounding a traditional round clanhold. Advancements in science and technology continue to come steadily, and the launch loop has gone from a compelling idea to a major project startlingly close to completion. Availability of consumer goods to the average Kitsune is higher than ever, with care taken to ensure that standards of living continue to steadily rise and opportunities to pursue art and vocations exist just as much as chances to contribute to the whole through diligent work do.

The goals of the next Fifteen Year Plan have been firmly set, with the current Kitsune population's conditions stable and decent. A shift towards natalism has occurred now that the basic needs of the current population are met, with changes to encourage more children and more new clans expected. There is a strong focus on new scientific developments, with the funding allocated for research increased, as well as an immense focus on space development and the announcement of major carbon fixation programs. Electrically driven processes to convert carbon dioxide into feedstock chemicals have been proven on a small scale, and alongside forestation efforts larger-scale use of these methods and a shift towards synthetic feedstock for the chemical industry will hopefully bring Iwami to a state of carbon neutrality, fully halting continued warming and perhaps beginning to reverse it. However, all these additional focuses do mean that continued increases to living standards and consumer goods allocations are not expected, and many will still need to be frugal with travel, conveniences, and entertainment. While some are protesting this decision, the course is set.

The social turmoil of discovering our origins is finally calming down a bit, at least to an extent. Fear of the unknown dangers out in space has become a major meme in Kitsune society, with many questions from the public asking whether the Tengu Oxygen Anomaly (which a probe should manage to investigate next year if all goes well) could be dangerous, whether it could be something left by the Creators, whether we have seen signs of alien life or the Creators, how we intend to defend ourselves from alien invasions, whether Iwami should quiet all radio transmissions in an attempt to hide from the universe... But the example of the PCM's upper levels has largely calmed down the roiling bag of hissing foxes that is domestic politics. It is useless to complain about decisions made in ignorance in the past, and instead we must change our plans for the future. The proverbial die has been cast, and the Kitsune people will grow: Into space, into new frontiers of science, into greater populations and better custodians of Iwami, and into a stronger and better prepared army, over time.

By no means is it over. It's still all anyone can seem to think about. It's been three years since the discovery, just long enough for major, big-production movies addressing the topic to come out! All the latest fantasy and sci-fi romps deal with creations abandoned by their creators for one reason or another- Because the creators were struck down, out of greed and negligence, out of kindness to let them grow... And you can tell that some of them were hastily altered with even more recent discoveries. Scenes involving tails as a focus for mystic power have always been a trope but they're really out in full force now, even Foxfire Galaxy is doing it.

(Said new discoveries implying that, somehow, the absurdity that is the Kitsune's tails and the insane amount of bodily resources that go into them might... Actually have a point. That tails act as some sort of biological focuser or amplifier for a new type of physics- One that has only been shown to mess with quarks and high energy protons and electrons so far, but still.)

??? Technology:
Psycho-Reactive Tail Tissue:
Efforts are ongoing to form a theory of physics that makes sense of the effect, but after continued testing, the measurable changes in psycho-reactive particles has been characterized to an extent. Importantly, the type of thoughts being focused on by the person inducing psycho-reactivity has no effect. Meditative states, prayer, demands, logic problems, hallucinatory highs, strong pain or pleasure stimulation, and other stimuli do not change the nature of the reaction, merely influence its strength. However, strength of the reaction increases notably in individuals with high numbers of tails. Additionally, biopsied samples of tail neural-bone lace from volunteers or deceased individuals, when subjected to an electric field, also induce psycho-reactivity if weakly. Old learning and experiments on particle physics and biology are all being called into question with these new developments. Applications remain deeply theoretical but a more replicable means of studying the phenomenon will be valuable to drive the science.

Society will surely be feeling this shock for decades. There are new art movements, evoking the shock and loss of a project or a childhood being interrupted. There are video games depicting a hopeless struggle against a superior alien foe, where victory consists of managing to hide seeds to regrow after the forest fire. There are endless discussions and analyses of what the hell the Creators could have been planning, if they seeded society, if their preferences deserve any weight at all in the now... But at the same time, people are still working. People are still going to school, and having children, and celebrating holidays. We want answers, and we look up with anxiety, but the world has not stopped turning.

Procurement: Pick up to ONE program to open, or up to TWO if accepting the Sakura Group shuttle:

[]Hypersonic Missiles:

The standardized set of unified-diameter missiles has served in the UGM for over a decade and greatly simplified logistics, but there is a gap in capability between very large ICBMs and small missiles. Building a hypersonic missile capable of terrain-following and deep penetration will require a larger frame, but fill a major gap in current strike capability.

[]Militarized Spacesuits: With the Space Force's expansion sure to come in the next five to ten years, creating a military version of spacesuits suitable to the rigors of potential combat would be prudent. The most advanced materials available can be used to reduce the weight and improve durability. Depending on the advances achieved, this may lead to a new generation of civilian suits as well.

[]Low Mobility Platform: Rather than beginning with a doctrine-building program of small satellites, with new advances in welding technology it would be possible to immediately construct larger platforms in space. LMPs would be a defensive system that has limited capacity to maneuver, mostly to evade fire, and would be armed with various weapon systems, likely missiles, LGGs, or lasers.

[]Armed Satellites: By arming satellites with various experimental weapon systems and defenses, we can conduct orbital wargames and begin to grasp just how combat in orbit and deep space might functionally work. These are expected to be useless as actual weapons, but we must start somewhere.

[]Fusion Warhead: Theoretical capacity for a massive boost to the yield of a nuclear device by fission-initiated fusion is something that must be constructed and tested. A series of prototypes to be detonated in deep space as tests can advance high yield weapons technology without damaging the biosphere further.

[]New Fighter Jet: Pushing for ever higher detection and stealth capabilities is a difficult and expensive endeavor, but not being seen and locating the enemy is likely to be the only way to land a serious blow. Proposed technologies for the new jet include stealth materials, cooling technology, computer-controlled flight, and improved networking and decoy systems.

[]Main Battle Tank: Recent developments of Light Gas Guns makes a whole new generation of armor production possible. The most advanced technology available will be used to create a heavy tank that can hopefully stand up to alien threats if necessary, with a primary focus on firepower over mobility or defenses.

[]Tracked IFV: The Type-4 Leaf IFV is considered to have only light protection for the infantry it carries, with a focus on mobility. A new development of IFV will focus on heavier armor and survivability, allowing IFVs to work in the same battlespace as heavy tanks without being as vulnerable.

[]Anti-Air Laser Experiment: Fiber-guided lasers and new computer controlled laser technology has a use in intercepting airborne projectiles as well as in construction. Providing the necessary power in a mobile package will be a challenge, but a mobile laser system sufficient to destroy artillery shells and rockets can protect vehicles and infantry.

[]Power Armor Experiments: The protection available to an infantryfox is limited by the weight they can carry. Miniaturized actuators and battery packs along with an EEG-based interface could allow infantry to carry much heavier weapons and armor in close assault situations.

[]Augmented Reality Helmet: Increasing the information available to the average soldier is going to be necessary for future doctrine and tactics, and should improve coordination and outcomes at the lowest level. Computing technology for AR displays is somewhat limited, features such as dynamic maps, locating allies, and relaying orders are all feasible.

Major Projects: Pick TWO to add at this time.
Note: The Launch Loop completes in FIVE years, massively expanding spacelift capacity at that time.

[]Prepare Space Personnel: When the Launch Loop is completed, people with the training and education to safely operate in space will be needed. It would involve expanding classes for space certification considerably and building another EVA training complex, creating up to twenty thousand potential astronauts, though most of the trainees will only be able to get one or two actual space flights before the loop's completion. (1 Year)

[]New Base Construction: The creation of a Reserve System is moderately straining existing military facilities and bases, creating crowding during training in some cases and hindering preparations for regular military exercises. Building new bases distributed across the planet would allow for better logistics and generally improve operations, especially in the case of mobilization or rapid deployment. (2 Years)

[]Light Gas Gun Plant: With the inclusion of LGGs all but certain in the next main battle tank, it is not a stretch to begin technical development of the systems involved before an official procurement program actually begins. By building out assembly equipment in parallel with prototypes, production of new guns can proceed more quickly once a tank is fully procured. (2 Years)

[]Expand Naval Yards: The Navy's current capabilities for warship construction are likely to be insufficient to prepare for the threats that may exist and come to the planet. A doubling of build capacity for new ships will not come quickly, but is a necessary long term investment to bring additional hulls into the water. (3 Years)

[]Expand Nuclear Warhead Capacity: The refinement of Uranium-235 is suited towards nuclear fuel for power plants, but expanding production of Plutonium in breeder reactors is necessary in order to increase the available stockpiles of nuclear weapons. As the most destructive capability available to the military, production must be expanded. (3 Years)

[]Mechanization of the Infantry: Most infantry under combat arms in the UGM are currently motorized using conventional trucks, either biodiesel powered or electric. With the creation of the Reserve System, the need for large quantities of IFVs to equip reservists will remain even if new models are designed later. (4 Years)

[]Expand the Air Force Factories: Current production of military aircraft has continued at a relatively low rate in order to maintain consistent experience with the involved technologies. Training far more workers and establishing new plants to speed up aircraft and engine construction will take time, but is necessary for a large air force. (3 Years)

[]Surge of Technical Funding: There are a number of theoretical technologies that have a strong theoretical basis but unproven practical application, ranging from airframes, stealth, sensors, drone technology, and more. Allocating large scale funding to investigate and attempt such methods could prove very fruitful. (3 Years) (Generates three one-time tech rolls)

[]Expand Weapons Research: Funding a wide array of theoretical weapon systems will present new challenges not only in design of weapon systems themselves but also in supporting sciences including materials science, computing, and energy sciences. (5 years) (Changes tech odds) (Adds one tech roll every 5 years)

And Akane Iho la Iwa remains stubbornly determined to see it through. To see as much of this new era as she possibly can... Perhaps she can even earn her seventh tail? If the aches aren't too much to bear and she's not hooked up to a hospital bed all hours of the day by then. It should only be, what, six or seven more years? Maybe. Maybe. There was a close call this year, apparently due to her suddenly developing an allergy to Jewel Frog meat. That was a scary few days, knowing something was wrong but feeling fine- Energetic even, as if she could leap up and charge, rifle in hand, even if doing so would make her burn up. Runaway fight-or-flight feedback loop and high body temperatures destroying the very mechanisms that ought to command her body to slow down...

What a mess, the Kitsune are. It's hard to stay to her decision to pity the Creators for being dead fools, instead of hate them for their failures, sometimes. But reality will not bend. If she gets her seventh tail, Akane wonders, will she then be too out-of-touch with advancing technology and doctrine? Too unwilling to listen to those below on the chain of command? Ah, at least the Army is its own brand of stuffy and ritualistic. She wants to just lie in bed at home for a week... She remembers when Salah was a tiny baby, fit to hold on one arm. And now she's joined the Space Force. Surged herself straight through all opposition and academic work. A prodigy, so desperately trying to live up to her great-grandma's example.

Akane feels the weight of history. Of legacy. It's a little bit heavier every year.

Politics actions (Pick Three):

[]Focus on the Exercises:

With the military's first major exercises in at least five years set to commence this year, taking a much larger amount of time than usual to focus on them will help ensure they are well organized and actually tackling the goal of making soldiers and officers learn how to plan and fight. Being involved with debriefs up and down the chain will ensure that lessons are properly learned.

[]Read Up on Space: While Akane is familiar with space operations, the general technologies and capabilities in use, and basic orbital mechanics, a deeper education in order to come to a more informed opinion is never a bad thing. This would mostly consist of extensive study and consultation with astronauts and engineers on the reality of operations in zero-gravity and vacuum, in order to apply it in future.

[]Work on Doctrine: Participating in theoretical discussion, meetings with military thinkers, reading and writing academic papers, and simulations and exercises can all contribute to the development and proliferation of new doctrinal thinking in the military. As doctrine is the social and memetic structure that the military uses to plan, it affects all aspects of high command, and continually developing it is important.

[]Council Consultation: Frequent discussions with the Councils that make up Iwami's civilian government will be essential to help them actually understand the pragmatic military realities of the situation and guide the best decisions for Iwami. It will mostly consist of briefing them on the state of the Army and new technologies.

[]Associate with General Staff: Continuing to make time to talk to most of the upper military leadership and ensure their concerns are heard and understood is a necessary course of action. So much of military work must be delegated that occasionally checking that things on the lower level are alright is only prudent.

[]Personally Oversee a Program: Akane has experience in virtually every aspect of the Army, and giving personal attention to the issues at hand during procurement will ensure the best decisions are made and that newly developed equipment is fit for use in the military. (-5 to +15 to a new or ongoing procurement program depending on roll)

[]Promote Radical Thought: Excessive conformity can be a drawback in some cases, as conventional lines of thought are followed and nothing new is brought up. Many of the great victories in history were made by mad thinkers coming up with entirely new ways of fighting. Encouraging officers and enlisted to create and share stupid ideas could be worthwhile.

[]Ask For More: Even if it will distract from other priorities and slow the growth of the system, investing more in the military early and often may prove critical to future success and safety. Asking more support and effort will get it, but the question is whether it is truly necessary or if it should wait. (Gain a 4th major project slot starting next year instead of waiting for it) (Auto Success, roll is for how well it is taken politically)

[]Work on Procurement Bureaucracy: The systems to properly evaluate new systems and bring them into full production involve a healthy amount of bureaucracy and coordination among the civilian sphere, officers, enlisted, and many other parties. There are an immense number of steps and checks to ensure things proceed smoothly, and expanding the process without causing problems will take time. (Work towards a 4th procurement slot)

[]Investigate Psycho-Reactive Particles: The research and discussion surrounding the new discovery is chaotic and changing every day as more experiments are performed. This revelation about the nature of reality could potentially redefine everything about military conflict if it proves as fateful as some expect. Continuing to closely follow the news on it and perhaps participate in experiments may be prudent.

[]Rest: Akane Iho's health remains precarious as a six-tail, even if the new internal pharmacopeia helps stabilize matters significantly. Excessive levels of stress are to be avoided if possible, so as to prolong the time before entering an unrecoverable metabolic cascade and maintain a capable coordinator for longer.

Plan vote. 24hr moratorium. Will answer the questions asked earlier soonish, maybe.

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