(ENG) D&D 5a Ed. - Epic Legacy - Hero's Handbook - Promo - Flip eBook Pages 1-39 (2024)

©2CGaming, LLC. All Rights Reserved. The 2CGaming logos and name and the book name (Epic Legacy Hero's Handbook) are protected by copyright and trademark. Any reproduction or unauthorized use of material contained herein is prohibited without the express written permissions of 2CGaming, LLC or its authorized representatives. WRITTEN BY Ryan Servis PRODUCED BY 2CGaming PROMO

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Epic adventurers are a small community of truly extraordinary individuals. Where others chose to retire or live an “ordinary” adventuring life, Epic heroes are committed to discovery, danger, and glory on an inconceivable scale. With this dedication come new powers and techniques made possible through a difficult path called an Epic prestige class. When a character begins their journey into Epic-level 5th Edition, their time as an ordinary fighter or wizard is over. Instead, they follow the path of a special progression capstone known as an Epic prestige class. For every 5th Edition core class, there is a corresponding Epic prestige class that takes the design of that class to new, Epic heights. Consisting of ten class levels, an Epic prestige class is designed to transition a non-Epic, 20thlevel character into a champion of Epic power upon gaining their first Epic level. Epic prestige classes offer a huge selection of options to choose from. Some of these are obvious and easy to use while others are more nuanced, encouraging a mastery of both Epic and non-Epic play. This diversity makes each Epic character unique and rewards your expertise through the system as you discover new character builds and feature synergies. Twelve Epic prestige classes can be found in this section, one for each 5th Edition non-Epic core class. Epic Prestige Classes Epic Prestige Class Description Epic Mechanic Reaver (Epic Barbarian) Unstoppable juggernauts of raw fury, able to perform unrivaled acts of strength that defy reason Pain Fuel: Reavers can use the pain of battle to increase their strength to near limitless heights. Truespeaker (Epic Bard) Masters of truespeech, able to weave its power into both song and spell for unique and powerful effects Truespeaking: Truespeakers make unique Charisma (Truespeaking) ability checks to create extraordinary effects. Ascendant (Epic Cleric) Gods among mortals, able to bring divine retribution or salvation across the realms Divine Spark: Ascendants channel the raw power of the gods, conjuring sparks of pure divinity within themselves. Primordial (Epic Druid) Champion of nature, integrating both body and soul into the world around them Evolution: Primordials use the power of nature to change and adapt to any situation, evolving different aspects of themselves. Dreadnought (Epic Fighter) Unrivaled masters of weaponry, able to perform martial techniques so extraordinary as to appear magical Combat Stances: Dreadnoughts have perfected different styles of fighting, dominating the battlefield with their martial prowess. Enlightened Fist (Epic Monk) Students of secret techniques that impart complete mastery over ki and combine them with extraordinary martial arts. Flowing Power: Enlightened Fist monks can seamlessly transition one action into another, performing deadly combos at frightening speed. Crusader (Epic Paladin) Holy warriors on a legendary quest, specializing in leadership and ceaseless devotion to their cause Sanctification: Crusaders can improve their attacks, spells, and features with sacred power to better aid allies or smite enemies. Slayer (Epic Ranger) Apex predators who have perfected the art of stalking and killing even the most powerful enemies Slayer Dice: As slayers stalk and battle their enemies, they gain a special resource known as Slayer Dice, which can be used to overcome almost any obstacle. Grifter (Epic Rogue) Consummate cheats, able to bend the rules of any situation to suit their needs Grifting: Grifters can deliver devastating sneak attacks with cunning combos based on their skills and talents. Archon (Epic Sorcerer) Beings of raw magical energy with unique and specific control over their magic Epic Metamagic: Archons can augment spells to dizzying levels of power…for a price. Overlord (Epic Warlock) Master negotiators and rulers of their own fate, no longer tools of an otherworldly patron Epic Invocations: Overlords know dark secrets of Epic power that stretch the limits of their patrons’ power. Archmage (Epic Wizard) The ultimate students of the arcane, learning magical secrets few are capable of understanding Arcane Mysteries: Archmages discover fragments of magical lore to bend the rules of certain schools of magic. epic prestige classes chapter two EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 3

For as long as there have been weapons, there have been warriors who master them. Some may look at the rigidity of metal or the flexibility of a bow and see limitations. Others see endless potential. These fighters train their bodies and minds with an iron will, pushing themselves well beyond any limit. If successful, these inspired warriors become dreadnoughts, and their skill with weapons of war is unrivalled. A perfect combination of warrior and weapon, a dreadnought can accomplish feats of martial skill that appear almost magical. PREREQUISITES Becoming a dreadnought is a commitment to ceaseless bloodshed to improve your martial skills beyond any reasonable degree, establishing yourself as one of the greatest fighters of the age. You specialize in specific styles of martial combat, weaponry, and techniques, achieving miraculous displays of martial prowess. By bow, blade, and shield, your unparalleled skill lets you face worldshattering threats without fear. In your hands, a weapon becomes more than an instrument of death—it is a painter’s brush, and the battlefield is your canvas. To advance as a dreadnought, you must meet the following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing requirements for your existing class): Fighter Level 20. A fighter is the only class that advances one’s martial skill to the level required to become a dreadnought, and only the best among fighters has the capacity to learn a dreadnought’s techniques. Slay an Epic Foe. At the DM’s discretion, you may be required to defeat a mighty opponent of tremendous power. This enemy must be the greatest threat you have ever faced and represent a tremendous achievement in your adventuring career. DMs are encouraged to make this foe a creature of great power that pushes your character to its limits. The creature need not be defeated single-handedly but should always be a considerable challenge. Epic Trial: Ceaseless Battle. Dreadnoughts live and breathe combat. They are most comfortable on the battlefield, only satisfied when their enemies are slain, and are overjoyed by the sounds of war. To achieve this dedication and affinity for battle, you must The Dreadnought Level Prestige Class Features Proficiency Bonus Combat Stances Known 21st Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat, Epic Fighting Style +6 0 22nd Combat Stances, Supplemental Training (1) +6 2 23rd Ability Score Improvement +7 2 24th Supplemental Training (2), Tireless Warrior +7 3 25th Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat +7 3 26th Epic Martial Archetype, Supplemental Training (3) +7 4 27th Ability Score Improvement +8 4 28th Peerless Veteran, Supplemental Training (4) +8 5 29th Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat +8 5 30th Legendary Champion, Supplemental Training (5) +8 6 Dreadnough Epic Fighter T What few arena spectators remained had given up trying to bet on the outcome, instead watching in awe as the warriors fought on. Shattered blades and scraps of armor lay strewn across the blood-soaked sand. Each champion suffered dozens of wounds that would have felled a giant five times over. There would be no quarter and no surrender. Honor demanded it. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 4

live a life of martial violence and discipline that pushes you to your absolute limit. Such an act typically involves spending a year and a day engaging in constant battle in some great conflict. Each day you rise to draw blood from your enemies and do not rest until victory is achieved. You must find a suitable conflict to participate in to complete this trial, such as scoring endless victories as a gladiator in a vicious fighting pit or joining the hosts of heaven in their battles against the forces of evil. Regardless of the conflict in which you participate, you must fight in a way that puts your skills to the test. CLASS FEATURES As a dreadnought, you gain the following class features. Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d10 per dreadnought level Hit Points per Level: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per dreadnought level Proficiencies Saving Throws: You gain proficiency in a single saving throw of your choice. Ability Score Improvement When you reach 21st level, and again at 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 30 using this feature. Epic Feat When you reach 21st level, and again at 25th and 29th level, you may select one Epic feat from the Epic feat list detailed in chapter 3. You may forgo taking an Epic feat to instead increase an ability score of your choice by 4, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 2. You cannot increase an ability score above 30 using this feature. Epic Fighting Style Beginning at 21st level, you improve upon the fighting styles you have mastered during your career as a warrior. You lose any fighting styles you gained while advancing as a fighter, which are replaced with their corresponding Epic versions, as detailed in the Epic Fighting Styles table. Combat Stances At 22nd level, you master extraordinary techniques that afford tremendous advantages in battle called combat stances. You learn two combat stances of your choice, which are detailed under the “Combat Stances” section later in this section. You learn additional combat stances as you advance as a dreadnought according to the dreadnought class progression table. Once per round if you are in combat, as a bonus action you may enter a combat stance that you know, gaining the benefits detailed in that combat stance’s description. When you do so, you leave any existing combat stances you may be in, losing their benefits. A combat stance lasts until you are no longer in combat or become incapacitated. Epic Strikes. Each combat stance has a unique feature called an Epic strike, which is an extremely powerful technique only a dreadnought possesses the martial skill to perform. A combat stance’s description details how and when an Epic strike may be used. When you make an Epic strike, you make a single weapon attack against a creature within range or cast a spell of 1st level or higher with a casting time of an action. When you deal damage using an Epic strike, you multiply all damage dealt by the attack or spell according to the damage multiplier detailed in the description. This benefit occurs after all other calculations and modifiers to the damage of the attack have been accounted for. Supplemental Training When you reach 22nd level, and again at 24th, 26th, 28th, and 30th level, you can continue training other elements of your body and mind in the background while you advance your other Epic abilities. You can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or two ability scores of your choice by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. If you are using the 5th Edition feats variant, you can instead select a non-Epic feat. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 5 Dreadnought

Epic Fighting Styles Non-Epic Fighting Style Epic Fighting Style Benefit Archery Epic Archery You gain a +4 bonus to attack rolls you make with ranged weapons. Blind Fighting Epic Blind Fighting You have blindsight with a range of 30 ft. Within that range, you can effectively see anything that isn’t behind total cover, even if you’re blinded or in darkness, including invisible creatures that are not hidden from you. Defense Epic Defense While you are wearing armor, you gain a +3 bonus to AC and have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-Epic sources. Dueling Epic Dueling When you are wielding a melee weapon in one hand and no other weapons, you gain a +4 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. Great Weapon Fighting Epic Great Weapon Fighting When you roll a 3 or lower on a damage die for an attack you make with a melee weapon with the two-handed or versatile properties, you instead roll a 4. Interception Epic Interception As a reaction when a creature you can see hits another target within 5 ft. of you with an attack, you may reduce the damage the target takes by an amount equal to your character level. You must be wielding a shield or weapon to use this reaction. Protection Epic Protection As a reaction when a creature you can see attacks another target that is within 5 ft. of you, you can impose Epic disadvantage on the attack roll. You must be wielding a shield to use this reaction, and if the attack misses its target, you gain an additional reaction which lasts until the start of your next turn. Superior Technique Epic Superior Technique You learn three maneuvers of your choice from among those available to the Battle Master martial archetype. If a maneuver you use requires your target to make a saving throw to resist the maneuver’s effects, the saving throw DC equals 8 + your proficiency bonus + your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your choice). Additionally, you have a number of superiority dice equal to your half your dreadnought level (rounded down, minimum of 1), which are d12s. You regain your expended superiority dice when finish a short or long rest. Thrown Weapon Fighting Epic Thrown Weapon Fighting If you would need to draw a weapon with the thrown property to make a ranged weapon attack with it on a turn, you may do so as a part of making that attack. Additionally, when you hit with a ranged weapon attack with a thrown weapon, you gain a +4 bonus to the damage roll. Two-Weapon Fighting Epic Two-Weapon Fighting When you engage in two-weapon fighting, you can add your attack’s ability modifier to the damage of any attack you make. Additionally, when you use your bonus action to make an attack with your off-hand weapon, you may attack twice instead of once. Unarmed Fighting Epic Unarmed Fighting When you score a hit with your unarmed strikes, the damage is equal to 1d12 + your Strength modifier. Additionally, at the start of each of your turns you may deal 1d12 bludgeoning damage to creatures grappled by you. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 6 Dreadnought

Psi Warrior4 Your psionic potential has reached its zenith, seamlessly blending your mind and body into a deadly martial weapon. When you would expend and roll a Psionic Energy die using your Psionic Strike or Protective Field options, you may expend and roll a number of Psionic Energy dice equal to your Intelligence modifier. Additionally, as a bonus action on each of your turns you may expend a use of your Action Surge to regain all your expended Psionic Energy dice. Purple Dragon Knight5 You are a nearly endless source of strength and courage for your allies. While you aren’t incapacitated, allies within 60 feet of you that can see or hear you are proficient in any saving throws in which you are proficient. Additionally, when you would use your Indomitable feature to reroll a failed saving throw, you instead automatically succeed on that saving throw. Rune Knight6 When you invoke your magical runes, you become infused with potent, elemental energies. When you use a bonus action to invoke one of the runes granted by your Rune Carver feature, until the end of that turn a weapon you are holding or your unarmed strike becomes imbued with elemental energies. When you next score a hit using that weapon or unarmed strike, you deal an additional 5d10 damage, the type of which is determined by the rune you invoked, as detailed in the Elemental Infusions table. Elemental Infusions Rune Damage Type Cloud Rune Thunder Fire Rune Fire Frost Rune Cold Stone Rune Force Hill Rune Necrotic Storm Rune Lightning Samurai7 You can draw your weapons and attack in an elegant display of deadly skill and speed. Immediately before initiative is rolled, you may expend a use of your Action Surge to act with lightning speed. This allows you to take a special turn before combat begins. During this turn, you may only take a single action and spend your movement, and enemies cannot take reactions in response to what you do that turn. 4 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, TCoE. 5 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, SCAG. 6 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, TCoE. 7 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, XGE. 1 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, XGE. 2 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, XGE. 3 This subclass can be found in the 2CGaming supplement, Tyrants & Hellions. Tireless Warrior At 24th level, you can use your Action Surge fighter class feature three times per rest, but only once on your turn. Additionally, when you roll initiative and have no uses of your Action Surge fighter class feature available, you regain one use. Epic Martial Archetype At 26th level, the powerful new techniques you’ve developed as a dreadnought allow you to improve upon your martial archetype. You gain the following features according to the martial archetype you selected when you were advancing as a fighter. Arcane Archer1 Your expertise in the fields of magic and archery allow you to perfectly blend your mystic weaponry with martial skill. When you hit a creature with an Epic strike and apply one of your Arcane Shot options to the attack, you do not expend a use of your Arcane Shot to do so. You must have at least a single use of your Arcane Shot available to use this feature. Battle Master You can unleash a dizzying number of maneuvers by pushing yourself to your limit. As a bonus action, you can expend a use of your Action Surge feature to regain all of your expended superiority dice. Cavalier2 You and your mount fight as one, a perfect synergy that devastates your enemies. Your mount cannot be frightened or charmed unless you are also frightened or charmed, and your mount’s speed cannot be reduced below half its maximum. Additionally, once per turn when you deal damage with a weapon attack and have at least half of your movement remaining, you can expend all of your remaining movement to increase the damage of the attack by 20. If you are mounted and your mount has at least half of its movement remaining, you may instead expend your mount’s movement for the same benefit. Champion You don’t bother with fancy tricks or overcomplicated techniques— instead you simply focus on causing death with every blow. Your weapon attacks score a critical hit on a roll of 16–20. Eldritch Knight You can combine your magic with your mightiest attacks, creating a frighteningly powerful combination of magic and steel. When you cast a spell by expending an Eldritch Knight spell slot as a part of making an Epic strike, you may treat that spell as if you had cast it using a 4th-level spell slot, regardless of the actual spell slot level used to cast the spell. Additionally, you regain all expended Eldritch Knight spell slots when you finish a short or long rest. Gladiator3 You can use a creature you are grappling as an improvised weapon. When you deal damage to a target using a creature as an improvised weapon, the creature being used as the weapon takes bludgeoning damage equal to the damage dealt by the attack. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 7 Dreadnought

COMBAT STANCES Combat stances are deadly fighting techniques that only a dreadnought has the skills to perform. Aegis Stance You masterfully defend yourself against incoming attacks, using your armor to its full advantage. While you are in this stance, wearing armor, and wielding a shield, you gain a +5 bonus to your Armor Class, and creatures cannot have advantage or Epic advantage on attacks against you. Epic Strike: Shining Lance As an action, you lash out with a single blow of unparalleled precision, making a single weapon attack or casting a spell that requires a spell attack. Attacks made using this Epic strike automatically hit and deal radiant damage instead of their normal damage type (if any). Damage Multiplier:Damage dealt by this Epic strike is doubled. Brawling Stance Your skills in grappling are legendary. While you are in this stance, you may attempt a grapple as a bonus action, and you have Epic advantage on ability checks to grapple a creature or maintain a grapple on a creature. Additionally, your speed is no longer reduced when moving with a grappled creature. Epic Strike: Crushing Grip As an action, you tighten your grip on a creature you are grappling, crushing it with your strength. Instead of making a weapon attack as a part of this Epic strike, you instead attempt a Strength (Athletics) ability check contested by the target’s Strength (Athletics) or Dexterity (Acrobatics) ability check (target’s choice). On a success, you automatically hit the target with an unarmed strike attack, and until the grapple ends, the target is restrained. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is quadrupled. Defensive Stance You are the shield that guards your allies from harm, able to withstand devastating blows with ease. While you are in this stance and wearing armor, you are resistant to all damage except psychic damage. Epic Strike: Counterstrike As an action, you take the Ready action to prepare a blow of catastrophic power to intercept your enemy’s attacks with a weapon attack or a spell that deals damage. When a creature you can see makes a successful attack, you may use your readied Epic strike to move up to twice your speed toward that creature. If you end this movement and the attacking creature is within range of your weapon attack or spell, Peerless Veteran At 28th level, your vast combat experience allows you to change your techniques with remarkable efficiency. When you enter or change a combat stance, you may do so at no action cost instead of as a bonus action. You may still only change or enter a stance once per round on each of your turns. Legendary Champion At 30th level, you have no equal on the field of battle, unleashing mighty attacks of unrelenting power. When you take the Attack action, you may make a single Epic strike as a part of that action. When you use your action to make only an Epic strike, you may make two Epic strikes instead of one as a part of that action. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 8 Dreadnought

you may make your readied attack or cast your readied spell against that creature. The damage of the creature’s attack is reduced by the damage it takes from your attack or spell. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is tripled. Juggernaut Stance You know how to best maximize your own durability in combat. While you are in this stance, you may add your Constitution modifier to your weapon attack and damage rolls instead of Strength or Dexterity modifiers, and you cast spells without the need for somatic or material components. Additionally, if you have no uses of your Second Wind feature at the end of your turn, you regain one use. Epic Strike: Unstoppable Blow As an action, you let loose a mighty war cry and make a single weapon attack or cast a spell. If a non-Epic spell or effect would prevent you from taking this action, the spell or effect ends, and you must immediately make the Epic strike. If an Epic spell or effect with a save DC would prevent you from making an Epic strike, you may attempt a Constitution saving throw against the spell or effect’s DC to become immune to the spell or effect until the end of your turn. If the effect is suppressed because you succeeded on this saving throw, you may immediately make the Epic strike. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is doubled. Razorwind Stance You can effortlessly wield two weapons at the same time, striking with vicious flurries of attacks. While you are in this stance and engage in two-weapon fighting, attacks made with your weapons are made with Epic advantage. Epic Strike: Hail of Steel As an action while you are dual wielding, you unleash a withering series of blows that dice your foes to ribbons, making a single weapon attack with both of your weapons. If both attacks hit the same target and you are not incapacitated, you may immediately make this Epic strike again against the same target (no action required). You cannot make this Epic strike more than five times in a single turn. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is not multiplied. Sentinel Stance With perfect poise and patience, you strike foes when they least expect it. While you are in this stance and use your reaction to make a successful opportunity attack, at the end of that turn you gain an additional reaction which lasts until the start of your next turn. Epic Strike: Incision of a Thousand Diamonds As an action, you strike in a way to open a perfect window for your allies, allowing them to join you in the assault. You make a single weapon attack or cast a spell that affects one or more enemy creatures. Each creature attacked or affected in this manner provokes an opportunity attack from your allies. Damage Multiplier:Damage dealt by this Epic strike is doubled. Skirmishing Stance You can move about the battlefield with extreme ease, avoiding your foes to find the perfect position to attack. While you are in this stance, your movement speed is doubled, you are unaffected by difficult terrain, and non-Epic spells and magical effects cannot reduce your speed. Epic Strike: One Step Ahead As an action, you strike your foe while preparing for its next move, preventing its escape. You make a single weapon attack or cast a spell that affects a single enemy creature. If the target of that attack or spell ends its next turn in a space different than the one it occupied when you made this Epic strike, you may use your reaction to move up to your speed toward the target and make this Epic strike again. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is doubled. Sniper Stance Aiming with godlike precision, you can deliver lethal attacks at extreme ranges. While you are in this stance, if you do not leave your space on your turn and take no actions other than your action, your successful ranged weapon and spell attacks deal damage as though they had scored a critical hit. Epic Strike: Find the Center As an action, you fire a ranged attack that deals extreme damage to those it hits. You make a single ranged weapon attack or cast a spell that requires a ranged spell attack. The range for attacks or spells made with this Epic strike is quadrupled. After making this attack, you cannot willingly move from your space or take actions until the start of your next turn. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is quadrupled. Steelbreaker Stance Your attacks and spells sunder enemy armor, crushing their defenses with relentless power. While you are in this stance, if a creature has resistance to damage dealt by you, it instead does not have resistance. If a creature would be immune to damage dealt by you from your attacks or spells, it instead takes half damage from your attacks and spells. Epic Strike: Overwhelming Assault As an action, you open a hole in your enemy’s defenses, making it vulnerable to you and your allies. You make a single melee weapon attack or cast a spell that requires a melee spell attack. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is doubled. If the attack exceeds the target’s AC by 5 or more, the damage multiplication increases by one for every interval of 5 it exceeds the target’s AC (tripled becomes quadrupled, quadrupled becomes quintupled, etc.). EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 9 Dreadnought

Surging Stance You can transfer the power of your movement into your attacks, darting about the battlefield to deliver punishing hits. While you are in this stance, if you move at least 10 feet in a straight line and immediately make a melee weapon or spell attack at the end of that movement, you have a +5 bonus to that attack roll. Epic Strike: Meteoric Blow As an action, you strike a target with such force as to knock it flying into obstacles and terrain. You make a single weapon attack roll or cast a spell that requires a melee spell attack. On a successful hit, the target must attempt a Strength (Athletics) ability check contested by your Strength (Athletics) ability check. If the target fails, it is pushed up to 100 feet in a straight line away from you and knocked prone. On a critical hit, the target is pushed an additional 100 feet. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is doubled. Throwing Stance You can hurl weapons with physics-defying precision, leaving your enemies awestruck and severely damaged. When you would make a ranged weapon attack with a throw weapon, you may throw a second weapon as a part of that attack using the same hand(s). The attack’s damage is increased by the second weapon’s damage dice plus your attack ability modifier. Additionally, the range of weapons you wield with the thrown property is increased by 60 feet. Epic Strike: Deadeye As an action, you hurl a weapon in a manner that circumvents any cover or defense. Make a single ranged weapon attack with a thrown weapon against a target you are aware of within range. So long as you target a space the target is occupying, this attack automatically hits, regardless of whether your target has total cover or other protections against your attacks. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is tripled. Warmage Stance Your magic charges your weapon with arcane energy which can cleave through even the heartiest foes. While you are in this stance, you may add either your Strength or Dexterity modifier to your spell save DC and spell attack rolls, in addition to its normal modifiers. Epic Strike: Arcane Evisceration As an action, you empower your magic well beyond its normal limits by combining it with martial prowess. Make a single weapon attack or cast a spell that requires a spell attack. On a successful hit, the next non-cantrip spell you cast before the end of your next turn is treated as though you had expended an 8th-level spell slot to cast it, regardless of what level spell slot you used to cast the spell. Damage Multiplier: Damage dealt by this Epic strike is not multiplied. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 10 Dreadnought

Archmag Epic Wizard E The tiefling grimaced as he cradled the spell in his hands. Its heat caused those nearby to shudder with discomfort. A sinister grin appeared on the archmage’s face, and all assembled dove for cover. From the wizard’s fingers erupted a column of molten lava, reducing all in its path to burning slag. Archmages are the undisputed masters of magic. There is little they do not understand about the arcane arts, and what little they don’t know could only be understood by an archmage anyway. Archmages manipulate cosmic forces of extraordinary power with the precision of a surgeon. Every word, every inscription, every strand of magic follows the command of an archmage perfectly. To these spellcasters, knowledge isn’t just power—it’s the only thing that matters. PREREQUISITES The career of wizards is marked by breakthroughs. Yet as your understanding of magic grows, your arcane power inevitably reaches its limits. Most never even get that far, whether from a lack of talent, a lack of effort, or an untimely demise. But for you, the hunger for knowledge never ceases, as you explore every option, technique, and piece of magical lore you can get your hands on. To call it an obsession is an understatement—it is a way of life. To follow the path of an archmage is to apply genius-level intellect to uncovering the secrets of magic. Woe to any who stand in your way, for an archmage’s power unleashed is a precisely calculated solution to any problem. To advance as an archmage, you must meet the following prerequisites (in addition to the multiclassing requirements for your existing class): Wizard Level 20. Only a wizard of great intellect and knowledge has the skills necessary to master the ways of magic. Those attempting the techniques of an archmage without this background meet with catastrophic failure. Slay an Epic Foe. At the DM’s discretion, you may be required to defeat a mighty opponent of tremendous power. This enemy must be the greatest threat you have ever faced and represent a tremendous achievement in your adventuring career. DMs are encouraged to make this foe a creature of great power that pushes your character to its limits. The creature need not be defeated single-handedly but should always be a considerable challenge. Epic Trial: Arcane Sanctum. The pursuit of arcane supremacy begins with an ideal location to conduct your research and magical experiments. You must establish such a place and fortify it against intrusion. Known as an arcane sanctum, this structure can be located on any world, as long as you find a way to maintain isolation The Archmage Level Prestige Class Features Proficiency Bonus Arcane Mysteries Arcane Fusion Epic Spell Slots per Spell Tier Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 21st Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat, Arcane Fusion +6 – 5th / 1st – – – 22nd Epic Spellbook, Epic Spellcasting, Master of the Arcane +6 2 5th / 1st 2 – – 23rd Ability Score Improvement +7 2 6th / 2nd 3 – – 24th Spell Division +7 3 6th / 2nd 3 1 – 25th Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat +7 3 7th / 3rd 3 2 – 26th Epic Arcane Tradition +7 4 7th / 3rd 3 2 1 27th Ability Score Improvement +8 4 8th / 4th 3 2 1 28th Arcane Brilliance +8 5 8th / 4th 3 2 1 29th Ability Score Improvement, Epic Feat +8 5 9th / 5th 3 2 1 30th Supreme Magic +8 6 9th / 5th 3 2 1 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 11

and focus on your work. Once you have created your sanctuary, you must then commit yourself to a year and a day of uninterrupted research, exploring every aspect of the arcane arts. Such an endeavor requires copious amounts of resources: books of hidden techniques, lore on ancient magic, spell scrolls, and powerful magical items. After a year and a day, you discover the techniques required to pull on the threads of Epic magic, weaving them together to form spells of incredible power. CLASS FEATURES As an archmage, you gain the following class features. Hit Points Hit Dice: 1d6 per archmage level Hit Points per Level: 1d6 (or 4) + your Constitution modifier per archmage level Proficiencies Saving Throws: You gain proficiency in a single saving throw of your choice. Ability Score Improvement When you reach 21st level, and again at 23rd, 25th, 27th, and 29th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. You can’t increase an ability score above 30 using this feature. Epic Feat When you reach 21st level, and again at 25th and 29th level, you may select one Epic feat from the Epic feat list detailed in chapter 3. You may forgo taking an Epic feat to instead increase an ability score of your choice by 4, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 2. You cannot increase an ability score above 30 using this feature. Arcane Fusion Beginning at 21st level, when you take an action to cast a nonEpic spell and expend a spell slot of 5th level or lower as part of that action, you may simultaneously cast a 1st-level spell with a casting time of one action or bonus action. You determine in what order each of the spells are cast. As you advance as an archmage, you can cast more powerful spells using this feature according to the Arcane Fusion column of the archmage class progression table. The maximum level of the higher castable spell using this feature is indicated on the left side of the column, while the maximum level of the lower castable spell using this feature is indicated on the right side of the column. You cannot use this feature to cast cantrips in either case. Epic Spellbook At 22nd level, your spellbook is a tome of wondrous knowledge and arcane secrets. You add three archmage Epic spells of your choice to your spellbook, and two additional archmage Epic spells each time you gain a level in the archmage Epic prestige class. Each of these spells must be of a tier for which you have Epic spell slots. Additionally, your spellbook becomes extraordinarily magical. It is considered an artifact-quality magic item, and while you live it cannot be read by non-Deific creatures other than you. If your spellbook leaves your possession against your will, it magically reappears in your possession the next time you finish a short or long rest. Only magic of Deific strength can prevent this effect. Finally, if you find a piece of knowledge (such as a spell scroll) of an archmage Epic spell, you can add it to your spellbook if it is of a tier for which you have Epic spell slots and if you have the time to decipher and copy it. Copying an Epic spell into your spellbook works similarly to copying a non-Epic spell but takes 24 hours and 5,000 gp per Epic spell tier. Epic Spellcasting At 22nd level, your study of the arcane arts has unlocked the mightiest spells ever conceived: Epic spells. See the “Epic Magic and Spellcasting” section in chapter 4 for rules about Epic magic and spellcasting and for the list of Epic spells available to the archmage. The archmage class progression table shows how many Epic spell slots you have available to cast your Epic spells. To cast an EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 12 Archmage

Epic spell, you must expend an Epic spell slot of the spell’s tier or higher. You regain all expended Epic spell slots when you finish a long rest. You prepare the list of archmage Epic spells that are available for you to cast. To do so, choose a number of archmage Epic spells from your spellbook equal to your Intelligence modifier + your archmage level (minimum of one). The Epic spells must be of a level for which you have spell slots. You can change your list of prepared Epic spells when you finish a long rest. Preparing a new list of archmage Epic spells requires time spent studying your spellbook and memorizing the complex arcane techniques required to cast them safely, at least 10 minutes for each Epic spell on your list. Master of the Arcane At 22nd level, your hunger for knowledge drives you to tackle some of the greatest challenges of magic, called arcane mysteries. Each of the eight schools of magic have their own mysteries which you unravel as you advance as an archmage. Each mystery has three levels—a fundamental, principle, and pinnacle—which must be learned to completely unravel the secrets of that school of magic. To learn the principle in a given school, you must have learned the school’s fundamental, and to learn the pinnacle of a school, you must have learned both the school’s fundamental and principle. You learn two fundamentals from two different schools of magic as detailed in the “Arcane Mysteries” section. As you advance as an archmage, you may improve your understanding of one of these schools by learning an additional level of its mystery, as shown in the Arcane Mysteries column of the archmage class progression table. Spell Division At 24th level, you can convert Epic magic into tremendous amounts of non-Epic magic. When you finish a long rest, you can choose to immediately expend one of more of your Epic spell slots and instead generate temporary non-Epic spell slots. The number and level of the temporary non-Epic spell slots generated by this feature depends on the tier of the Epic spell slot expended, which is detailed in the Spell Division table. These temporary spell slots last until you finish a long rest and cannot be regained once expended. Epic Arcane Tradition At 26th level, your arcane tradition has reached its zenith as you master its unique and complex techniques. This expertise takes the form of a great project of incredible artistry and design that serves as a magical tool to exemplify your tradition. You gain the following features according to the arcane tradition you selected when you were advancing as a wizard. Bladesinging8 When you activate your Bladesong subclass feature, you may expend one of your Epic spell slots to empower a weapon you are wielding with the might of Epic magic, transforming it into a magical weapon called a spellblade for the duration of the Bladesong. When you make an attack with that weapon, you may choose one of the following areas: a 120-foot-long, 5-foot-wide line; a 60-foot cone; or a 30-foot radius centered on you. Creatures of your choice within the area with an AC equal to or lower than the result of the attack roll are hit by the attack and suffer any additional effects and modifiers to the attack as though they were a target. Eldritch Cabal9 After you successfully cast an eldritch spell, you can delay the effects of an eldritch madness by 1 minute instead of gaining it immediately. Additionally, you can prepare up to three additional eldritch spells, up to a maximum of seven. Finally, when you prepare an Epic spell, you can choose to apply unbelievably profane knowledge and heinous magic to the spell, creating an eldritch version of it. In addition to the normal properties of an eldritch spell, an Epic eldritch spell cannot be countered or dispelled by any means. When you successfully cast an Epic eldritch spell, you suffer a supreme eldritch madness effect. Order of Scribes10 You may inscribe magic into strange arcane glyphs that can be called upon at any moment to defend you. When you use the Ready action to cast a spell, you may choose to store the spell as a magical glyph which orbits you for 8 hours or until expended. When you have a spell readied in this manner, you do not need to concentrate to hold the spell’s energy, which is instead stored within the masterful inscriptions of the glyph. The spell’s energy immediately dissipates and is lost if you attempt to Ready another spell. School of Abjuration When you cast an abjuration Epic spell and would generate a magical ward via your Arcane Ward subclass feature, you may transform that magical ward into a unique machine of magical energy called a spell engine, which orbits your head and moves with you. A spell engine functions similarly to an Arcane Ward and may be affected by features that would affect your Arcane Ward (such as your Projected Ward subclass feature). The benefits of the ward are replaced with the following benefits of the spell engine and last until you finish a long rest. „ The spell engine has 100 hit points per tier of the Epic spell slot used to create it. When a creature within 60 feet of the spell engine takes damage, you may choose to have the spell engine take the damage instead. If this damage reduces 8 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, TCoE.s. 9 This subclass can be found in the 2CGaming supplement, Tyrants & Hellions. 10 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, TCoE. Spell Division Epic Spell Slot Tier Non-Epic Spell Slot Conversion Tier 1 You generate a number of non-Epic spell slots of your choice whose combined level can be no greater than 11. Tier 2 You generate a number of non-Epic spell slots of your choice whose combined level can be no greater than 15. Tier 3 You generate a number of non-Epic spell slots of your choice whose combined level can be no greater than 21. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 13 Archmage

the engine to 0 hit points, any affected creatures take the remaining damage, and the engine is destroyed. „ Invisible creatures within 60 feet of you are made visible, and you are aware of any spell effects within 60 feet of you. You see a faint aura around any visible creature or object in the area that bears magic, and you learn its school of magic, if any. „ When you would be affected by an Epic spell, as a reaction you can destroy the spell engine to become immune to the effects of the Epic spell. School of Conjuration Over the course of a long rest, you can choose to create a magical machine known as an arcane entity. The entity is an object with 200 hit points and an AC of 20, which appears as a fist-sized star of magical energy. The entity orbits your head and moves with you. You may have only a single arcane entity at a time. When you cast a spell from the Conjuration school that requires concentration, you may have the arcane entity maintain concentration on that spell instead. The entity does not need to make Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration in response to taking damage, and its concentration cannot be broken by any means unless the entity is destroyed. You can command the entity to cease concentrating on a spell at any time (no action required). When you cast a spell from the Conjuration school that conjures, summons, or creates a creature, you may sacrifice the arcane entity as a part of that spell’s casting time to grant a single summoned creature 200 temporary hit points and a bonus to its attack rolls, saving throws, and ability checks equal to your proficiency bonus. This effect lasts until the creature is slain, the spell ends, or you create a new arcane entity. School of Divination You can imbue one of your senses with powerful temporal divination magic. When you finish a long rest, you can choose to expend a tier 2 or 3 Epic spell slot to gain the ability to peer into the future for 8 hours. While so imbued, after you take an action, you may immediately take a reaction to manipulate time and undo all the recent effects of that action—such as inflicting damage, moving creatures, applying conditions, and other effects—as though you had never taken the action in the first place. You regain any spell slots, uses of a feature, or items you expended with that action and may immediately take a new additional action in its place. Once you have used this feature, you must finish a short or long rest before you can use it again. School of Enchantment As a reaction when you charm a creature, you implant that creature with a malevolent arcane parasite known as a mind spider. As an action, you can begin or end concentration on the mind spider effect (as though you were concentrating on a spell), which grants you the following benefits across any distance or planar boundary for as long as you maintain concentration: „ You perceive everything the creature perceives and are aware of the creature’s exact location. „ You can establish one-way or two-way telepathic communication between you and the creature. „ You can target the creature with spells you cast from the Enchantment school as though it were within range of that spell. A creature is not aware of this connection or the presence of the mind spider unless you will it, but a creature may attempt a Wisdom saving throw versus your spell save DC each time you take this action, becoming aware of the connection on a success. You can implant a number of mind spiders equal to your Intelligence modifier, and a creature cannot be implanted with more than a single mind spider at a time. As an action, you can touch a creature afflicted with a mind spider to end the effect. A mind spider can be forcibly removed by powerful healing magic such as a heal or greater restoration spell, but any attempts fail unless the creature affected by the mind spider first succeeds on a Wisdom (Medicine) check versus your spell save DC. School of Evocation When you cast a non-Epic wizard spell of any level that deals damage, you can use your Overchannel subclass feature to deal maximum damage with that spell. Additionally, you roll d6s instead of d12s when determining the damage you take from your Overchannel subclass feature. School of Illusion When you cast a spell from the Illusion school, you can choose to make any number of affected creatures you are aware of immune to the effects of the spell for its duration. In the event the spell produces an illusion, such creatures can act and perceive their surroundings as though the illusion(s) did not exist. School of Necromancy Your research into the arts of necromancy have yielded astonishing results, allowing you to turn yourself into a mighty undead creature. By spending 1 week in continuous uninterrupted isolation, you can channel your Epic magic into a dark ritual that transforms you into an archlich. When the ritual is complete, you die and permanently become an undead creature. If you are under the effects of a spell or effect that changes your form, this ritual automatically fails. This new form grants you the following benefits. „ Your creature type changes to undead. „ You have resistance to cold, lightning, and necrotic damage. You are immune to poison damage and bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical attacks. „ You are immune to the charmed, exhaustion, frightened, paralyzed, and poisoned conditions. „ You no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, or sleep, though you must still rest to recover spell slots and abilities. Your soul is drawn into your phylactery, where it remains until your phylactery is destroyed. „ When you are slain, your body turns to dust and can only reform from your phylactery which returns you to “life” with all your hit points and features as though you had finished a long rest. This process occurs over the course of 24 hours after your “death.” Effects that would remove or damage your soul have no effect on you unless they would target your phylactery. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 14 Archmage

Additionally, as a part of the ritual, you must create a phylactery to house your soul. This phylactery is superior to that of a normal lich and functions perfectly, avoiding the traditional requirement of soul sacrifices to maintain your mind and body. The phylactery must be created from an extremely rare gem of extraordinary quality, typically no less than 100,000 gp in value. At your DM’s discretion, you may use similarly valuable items or paraphernalia as your phylactery. A phylactery is an object with 300 hit points and an AC of 25. Your phylactery is immune to damage from non-Epic sources and is immune to non-Epic spells and effects. School of Transmutation You perfect your tools of transmutation, allowing you to create an Epic incarnation of your transmuter’s stone. When you would create a transmuter’s stone, you may instead create a philosopher’s stone by spending 20,000 gp of rare alchemical materials in the process. A philosopher’s stone has all the properties of a transmuter’s stone, plus the following benefits: „ The stone has 3 charges and recovers 1 charge whenever you finish a long rest. As an action, you can expend a charge to cause one of the effects as detailed on your Master Transmuter subclass feature without destroying the philosopher’s stone. „ While you hold your philosopher’s stone, you no longer require material components to cast your spells. „ When you cast a non-Epic spell from the Transmutation school with a duration greater than instantaneous, you can destroy your philosopher’s stone as a part of that casting to make the duration of that spell permanent or for as long as you maintain concentration (when applicable). This benefit immediately ends if you use this feature again. War Magic11 Your archmage level is added to your wizard level for the purposes of determining the effects of your War Magic subclass features. Additionally, when you cast a spell that affects an area (such as a cube, cone, cylinder, line, radius, or square), you can choose to double all dimensions of the spell’s area for the duration of its effect. Arcane Brilliance At 28th level your mind can study and analyze magic almost instantly. As a reaction when a creature you can see casts a spell that you could learn as a wizard or archmage, you may attempt an Intelligence (Arcana) ability check against a DC of 20 + the spell’s level. On a success, you can retain enough knowledge of the spell to copy it into a spellbook. You retain this knowledge for 1 week before forgetting the details necessary to copy the spell. Additionally, when you attempt a Wisdom or Charisma saving throw, you may change the saving throw type to an Intelligence saving throw. Supreme Magic At 30th level, you have achieved the highest understanding of magic. You can learn non-Epic and Epic spells from any class spell list. Additionally, you may cast any number of Epic spells in a single turn as long as you have the required actions to do so. ARCANE MYSTERIES Each arcane mystery represents a triad of knowledge and understanding that allows one to completely master a school of magic. The rewards of a mystery are great—when you learn a level of a mystery, you permanently gain its benefits in addition to the benefits from other levels of the mystery you have gained or will gain along your path as an archmage. Mysteries of Abjuration The mysteries of abjuration afford an archmage mastery over antimagic. If a spell is cast in the presence of an archmage who has unearthed these mysteries, it is only because the archmage permits it. Those who unearth all the secrets of the Abjuration school gain the ability to shut other spellcasters off from their source magic completely. Fundamental When you cast a non-cantrip spell from the Abjuration school of 4th level or lower, you may treat the effects of that spell as though you had cast it at 5th level. Principle You are immune to spells of your archmage level or lower unless you wish to be affected. 11 This subclass can be found in the official 5E supplement, XGE. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 15 Archmage

Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic abjuration spell, blackout, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided in the “Archmage Secret Spells” section. You can cast this spell without expending an Epic spell slot. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. Mysteries of Conjuration To know the mysteries of conjuration is to control space itself. An archmage with knowledge of these mysteries never wants for allies or resources and is able to conjure assistance with a thought. Those who master these mysteries can summon creatures of extraordinary power to aid in any task. Fundamental When you cast a non-cantrip spell from the Conjuration school of 4th level or lower, you may treat the effects of that spell as though you had cast it at 5th level. Principle When you cast a non-Epic spell from the Conjuration school with a duration greater than instantaneous that requires you to concentrate to maintain its effect, you may increase the length of that spell’s duration for as long as you can maintain concentration. Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic conjuration spell, grand summons, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided in the “Archmage Secret Spells” section. You can cast this spell without expending an Epic spell slot. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. Mysteries of Divination Understanding the mysteries of the Divination school of magic goes beyond acquiring knowledge—it is the mastery of knowledge itself. With such expertise comes a nearly unlimited capacity to learn, divine, and understand the world. Archmages who unearth all the mysteries of Divination can manipulate the knowledge of other creatures, imparting great wisdom and power. Fundamental Non-Epic creatures are unable to detect the effect or presence of spells (such as through spells like detect magic) you cast from the Divination school under any circ*mstances, and effects produced by spells you cast from the Divination school are invisible unless you choose otherwise. Epic creatures attempting to detect the effects or presence of your spells from the Divination school must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw versus your spell save DC or fail to detect them. Additionally, choose five non-Epic spells from the Divination school from any class spell list and add them to your spellbook. These spells are now wizard spells for you. Principle When you cast a spell from the Divination school with a duration greater than instantaneous, you may increase the duration of that spell to 24 hours. Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic divination spell, knowledge cascade, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided in the “Archmage Secret Spells” section. You can cast this spell without expending an Epic spell slot. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. Mysteries of Enchantment The mysteries of the Enchantment school teach that reality is inexorably tied to the nature of magic and thus can be altered to suit a new purpose. Those who master this school’s mysteries can imprison creatures within their own minds, forced to live a fictional reality of the archmage’s design. Fundamental When you cast a non-cantrip spell from the Enchantment school of 4th level or lower, you may treat the effects of that spell as though you had cast it at 5th level. Principle When you cast a spell from the Enchantment school that attempts to charm a creature which is immune to the charmed condition, it is instead not immune and has Epic advantage on saving throws against that effect for its duration. Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic enchantment spell, microcosm, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided in the “Archmage Secret Spells” section. You can cast this spell without expending an Epic spell slot. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. Mysteries of Evocation Many who speak of the school of Evocation believe it to be a crude tool of destruction. Those who understand its mysteries know better, for evocation deals directly with the unformed essence of magic itself. Knowing these mysteries, an archmage can unleash raw magical energy from which all spells are formed. Mastery of these mysteries imparts the knowledge to overcome any defense and inflict complete destruction upon one’s enemies. Fundamental When you cast a non-cantrip spell from the Evocation school of 4th level or lower, you may treat the effects of that spell as though you had cast it at 5th level. Principle When you cast a spell from the Evocation school that would deal acid, cold, fire, lightning, necrotic, radiant, or thunder damage, you may instead deal arcane damage. Arcane Damage Sometimes called “true damage,” arcane damage represents the fundamental energy that flows through the multiverse, raw and unformed. Arcane damage appears as cosmic energy of shifting color, utterly destructive to anything it encounters. Special Benefit. Under no circ*mstances can a creature have resistance or immunity to arcane damage, nor can arcane damage be reduced by any means. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 16 Archmage

Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic evocation spell, hellball, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided in the “Archmage Secret Spells” section. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. Mysteries of Illusion The school of Illusion has always relied upon the creativity and ingenuity of its casters. Having learned the mysteries of this school, an archmage understands that reality is irrelevant when one can create a more convincing fiction. Mastering these mysteries teaches an archmage how to create inconceivable images and effects that are beyond the comprehension of mortal senses. Fundamental Creatures with an Intelligence of 20 or lower have Epic disadvantage on saving throws and ability checks against spells you cast from the Illusion school. Principle Creatures with truesight no longer automatically see through your illusions or automatically succeed on saving throws against them, and they instead attempt saving throws against your illusions with Epic advantage. Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic illusion spell, Wall of Fantabulous Wonderment, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided in the “Archmage Secret Spells” section. You can cast this spell without expending an Epic spell slot. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. Mysteries of Necromancy Death is a fate only the uneducated are destined to face—so say the archmages who have mastered the mysteries of Necromancy. Having unearthed this school’s secrets, an archmage has little to fear from death and can visit it upon others with impunity. Mastering this school’s mysteries teaches magic that can destroy an archmage’s enemies with utter finality. Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic necromancy spell, obsolescence, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided in the “Archmage Secret Spells” section. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. Mysteries of Transmutation An archmage who knows the mysteries of the Transmutation school understands that magic is the only force reality can respect. A shape’s true nature is insignificant next to the infinite possibility of change. Mastery of these mysteries allows an archmage to change an ordinary weapon into a tool of fantastic destruction. Fundamental You learn the spell polymorph if you have not already and may cast it as a 4th-level spell without expending a spell slot. Principle You are immune to any non-Epic or Epic spell or magical effect that would alter your form unless you choose to be affected. Pinnacle You learn a secret Epic transmutation spell, prismatic weapon, which counts as an archmage Epic spell for you. The details of the spell are provided below. You can cast this spell without expending an Epic spell slot. When you do so, you cannot cast the spell in this manner again until you finish a long rest. ARCHMAGE SECRET SPELLS The secret archmage spells are presented in alphabetical order. Blackout Tier 3 Epic Abjuration Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet Components: V, S, M (the dust of a disintegrated dragon) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute You distort the flow of magic around a single creature you can see within range, cutting it off from all magical energy. The target cannot cast non-Epic spells for the effect’s duration. A creature attempting to cast an Epic spell must succeed on a Charisma saving throw or have the effect fail, and any resources used to cast the spell are wasted. At the end of each of the creature’s turns, it may repeat saving throw to end the effect. Once a creature has made three such successful saving throws over the spell’s duration, the effect ends. Grand Summons Tier 3 Epic Conjuration Casting Time: 10 minutes Range: 50 feet Components: V, S, M (a detailed anatomical sketch of the creature you wish to summon and an adamantine cage large enough to hold the creature) Duration: 8 hours You magically manufacture an effigy of a single creature that you have encountered before and hold it within a magical receptacle. Look, I’ve been really, really patient. Especially for me. I’m going to ask you one more time. Where is my staff of the magi? Take note that the spell in my hand will extract all of your blood. Yes, I’m serious. No, I don’t know if you’ll survive. You know what? I’m done. We are doing this. – Corsenn the archmage, searching for her staff. Fundamental When you cast a non-cantrip spell from the Necromancy school of 4th level or lower, you may treat the effects of that spell as though you had cast it at 5th level. Principle You can learn the spell finger of death if you have not learned it already. You may cast finger of death as a 7th-level spell without expending a spell slot. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 17 Archmage

creature you choose has 200 or fewer hit points, it is immediately and permanently incapacitated, cannot communicate in any way, and cannot spend movement. A creature afflicted by this spell makes no effort to preserve itself, and unless it receives medical care it will simply die from exposure, starvation, or other environmental factors. Obsolescence Tier 3 Epic Necromancy Casting Time: 1 action Range: 300 feet Components: V, S, M (the soul of a creature from an extinct race) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute Your gaze unleashes destructive energies that annihilate a single creature you can see within range. The creature must attempt a Constitution saving throw, taking 100 points of necrotic damage on a failure, or half as much on a success. Until the spell ends, on each of your turns you may take an action to channel destructive power into your target, which must attempt a Constitution saving throw. On a failed saving throw, the target takes 100 points of necrotic damage, plus an additional 100 points of necrotic damage for each round it has been affected by the spell. A successful saving throw halves this damage. The spell ends if you use your action to do anything else or if the target is ever outside the spell’s range. Creatures reduced to 0 hit points by this spell are destroyed utterly and can only be restored to life by Deific means. Prismatic Weapon Tier 3 Epic Transmutation Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a rainbow magically confined in a wine bottle) Duration: 1 minute You touch a weapon, transforming it into a brilliant tool of luminescent destruction. The weapon is imbued with eight different colors which glisten and sparkle, shedding bright light in a 30-foot radius. When the weapon scores a hit, the wielder may elect to expend a color of its choice to cause the attack to have the additional listed effect. Once a color has been expended, it disappears from the weapon and cannot be used again. If the weapon has no colors remaining, the effect ends. „ Red. The hit deals an additional 10d6 fire damage. „ Orange. The hit deals an additional 10d6 acid damage. „ Yellow. The hit deals an additional 10d6 lightning damage. „ Green. The hit deals an additional 10d6 poison damage. „ Blue. The hit deals an additional 10d6 cold damage. „ Indigo. The target must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be petrified until the end of its next turn. „ Violet. The target is blinded until the spell ends. „ Mysterious. The hit deals an additional 10d6 arcane damage. Wall of Fantabulous Wonderment Tier 3 Epic Illusion Casting Time: 1 action Range: 300 feet Components: V, S, M (a portrait painted by a famous artist) Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute The creature cannot be a legendary or mythic creature and must have a challenge rating no greater than your character level. The creature appears in an unoccupied space within range and is bound within a magical confinement. A creature within this confinement is immune to any damage or hostile effect for as long as it remains within the confinement. The creature has no mind or will of its own; it is merely an extremely convincing, magical simulation. As an action, you can call the creature from its confinement and teleport it to an unoccupied space you can see within 100 feet of you. If the creature cannot be teleported to a space within this area, the effect fails and the creature remains confined. While free from its confinement, the creature obeys all your instructions and commands to the best of its ability (no action required by you), and when rolling initiative may instead take its turn either immediately before or after yours. As an action, you may dismiss the creature and teleport it back to its magical confinement. If the creature cannot be teleported back to the confinement, the effect fails and the spell ends. If the creature is slain, the spell ends. If the spell ends before the creature is slain, it vanishes back to its place of origin. This spell immediately ends if you cast it again before its duration ends. Hellball Tier 3 Epic Evocation Casting Time: 1 action Range: 500 feet Components: V, S, M (raw chaotic power contained in a crystal ball 10 inches in diameter) Duration: Instantaneous You release a furious sphere of destructive energy at a point you choose within range that decimates your enemies in a tremendous explosion of inescapable chaos. Each creature, object, and structure in a 60-foot-radius sphere centered on that point takes 200 points of arcane damage. For each affected creature that is vulnerable to a type of damage, the magic of the spell senses those creature’s weaknesses and instead deals that type of damage to only those creatures instead. Knowledge Cascade Tier 3 Epic Divination Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch Components: V, S, M (a perfect stone replica of a humanoid brain) Duration: Instantaneous A single creature you touch is flooded with information and experience. The target instantly recovers any class features, spell slots, and other abilities as though it had finished a short rest. Microcosm Tier 3 Epic Enchantment Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet Components: V, S, M (silver painter’s tools) Duration: Instantaneous You warp the consciousness of a single creature you can see within range, trapping it within a fictional reality of your own design. If the EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 18 Archmage

Level Effect 1 The target cannot communicate intelligibly, instead blabbering about the beauty of the wall of fantabulous wonderment. 2 The target cannot have resistance or immunity to damage from your spells. 3 The target has Epic disadvantage on Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws. 4 The target is vulnerable to damage from your spells. 5 The target cannot willingly move away from the wall of fantabulous wonderment. 6 The target’s Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma ability scores are reduced to 1, and the target is incapacitated. You invoke an illusory wall of ever-shifting color and form that overwhelms the senses of those who interact with it. You can make the wall up to 90 feet long, up to 30 feet high, and up to 5 feet thick. The wall is opaque and lasts for the spell’s duration. When the wall appears or a creature enters the affected area for the first time on a turn, it must attempt an Intelligence saving throw, gaining two levels of the wonderstruck condition on a failure, or one level on a success, the effects of which last for the spell’s duration. Wonderstruck is a special condition measured in six levels. If an already wonderstruck creature suffers another effect that causes a level of wonderstruck, its current level of wonderstruck increases by an amount specified in the effect’s description. A creature suffers the effect of its current level of wonderstruck as well as all lower levels. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK Chapter 2: Epic Prestige Classes 19 Archmage

relics chapter seven Magical items of incalculable power, relics are among the most important objects in existence. Each possesses properties well beyond the strength of artifacts and can only be mastered by Epic beings brave or foolish enough to seek them out. If one unlocks a relic’s power, it is an achievement of staggering proportions. Whatever a relic does, it does in excess. Their power is uncontestable and unstoppable, with those possessing them counted among the most dangerous beings in the multiverse. Relics can end worlds, forge dimensions, slay gods, and explore the frayed edges of reality. The forces that spawn these objects are just as mighty: the divine might of gods, ancient magical techniques, or even the primordial will of the universe itself. Relics in Your Game Relics are priceless treasures beyond value. Even long-lived beings such as dragons can spend a lifetime hunting for a relic and fall short. The obstacles between these objects and a potential wielder are always immense. Winning, forging, or discovering a relic is an adventure of legendary proportions, with repercussions felt throughout the campaign’s setting. A relic should always be integral to your game’s plot and story. These are no mere artifacts—they are primordial forces of the multiverse compressed into wieldable forms. A character wielding a relic is a figure of terror, reverence, and action. A party in possession of even a single relic will have godlike power at their beck and call. They will be watched, hunted, and opposed by all manner of creatures with a stake in how the relic is used. The history of a relic is often a bloody one, passing from one wielder to the next through assassination, theft, and other unsavory methods. Each relic is not only powerful but interesting for characters to use. A +10 vorpal greatsword is mighty indeed, but it falls far short of being a relic. A relic must be unique, offering power that could not be achieved by any other means. When your players acquire a relic, they should experience excitement and dread, thrilled at the opportunity to use such a powerful item but immediately aware that what they just found is going to change everything about the game moving forward. Detailed later in this chapter is a selection of relics for use in your game or for inspiration for creating your own. There is no upper limit on how powerful a relic can be—all that matters is that your relics complement the story and excite players. Relic Properties Like artifacts, relics possess properties that apply to all items of their caliber. Each relic, no matter its nature or power level, always has these three characteristics: 1. Relics cannot be destroyed or damaged by anything short of Deific effects, and even then, only in specific circ*mstances. The DM determines what herculean and setting-specific acts are required to destroy any relics they add to the game. 2. A relic’s effects cannot be suppressed or prevented unless a method of doing so is explicitly stated in its description. 3. Non-Epic creatures cannot become attuned to a relic. All relics have two sets of properties—attuned and unattuned features—as well as a bane, the price a relic’s wielder pays to utilize its power. UNATTUNED FEATURES Until a wielder becomes attuned to a relic, its power is significant but muted. To unlock a relic’s full potential, a wielder must become attuned to it. This is a difficult process which often involves making liberal use of a relic’s powers to finally master the item. A relic’s unattuned features are detailed in its “Properties” section. ATTUNED FEATURES One does not simply sit down and contemplate a relic to unlock its power. Each relic has a unique attunement process detailed in its “Attunement” section that must be completed in order to attune to the item. When a wielder achieves attunement to a relic, the wielder becomes permanently bonded to the item, and it counts toward the number of magical items to which the character can attune. Most relics do not permit their wielders to become unattuned, with attunement persisting even through death, though there are exceptions. BANE Relics cannot be wielded without great cost, which is explained in the item’s “Bane” section. A bane often turns the relic’s formidable features back upon the wielder, the cost for irresponsible or reckless use of the relic to deter all but the most dedicated wielders. Each relic has details in its description about when and how its bane can occur, many of which are at the DM’s discretion to allow for story-significant consequences when the relic is misused. EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 21

Twenty-four hours after you declare your seventh day of the dragon and draw a card, you become attuned to the relic. While attuned, the relic has the following properties, in addition to its unattuned properties. Luck of the Draw. Once per day when you draw a card from the deck during a day of the dragon, you may choose to prevent that card’s effect from occurring and shuffle the card back into the deck. You must then immediately draw another card and experience its effects or suffer the relic’s bane. BANE When this relic’s bane occurs, the deck magically appears before the offending creature in a storm of swirling cards. From the storm, three cards emerge and present themselves face down before the creature, who must then choose one to flip over, suffering the effect as though it had drawn the card during a day of the dragon. The cards from this selection are always from the clubs or spades suits. When the creature chooses one of the cards, the other two return to the deck with no effect. If the creature does not flip one of the three cards within 1 minute, all three cards flip over to reveal their faces, and the creature suffers the effects of each card in the order they were flipped. Sample Relics Detailed here is a small sample of the kinds of relics that can be found in a game of Epic Legacy. Deck of Infinite Wonders Wondrous item, relic Appearing as a simple deck of fifty-two playing cards, this relic unleashes bizarre effects each time one of its mysterious cards is drawn. The backs of the cards are inlaid with gold leaf, while the picture on each of the face cards is a different dragon detailed with glistening metallic paint. The Deck of Infinite Wonders is an item of terrifying randomness. Only the extraordinarily brave, lucky, or foolhardy dare draw its cards, and more than one legendary hero has met an end from an unlucky hand. It is theorized the deck was formed over the centuries, passed between various card sharks, con artists, grifters, cheats, and gamblers. Each time it changed hands, the deck’s history and legend grew, until finally it was used in a high-stakes game between rival draconic gods. The participants and result of the game is unknown, but the deck emerged endowed with divine power and a legendary reputation. PROPERTIES While unattuned, the Deck of Infinite Wonders has the following properties. Fair Game. The deck is imbued with the power of cosmic law, forcing those who tempt its fate suffer with dignity. Creatures that attempt to manipulate the probability of drawing cards from the deck in any way—such as through magic, cheating, or sleight of hand—immediately suffer the relic’s bane. Faithful Cards. If cards from the deck are lost or scattered for more than 1 minute they magically reappear in the deck. Game of Dragons. All the deck’s face cards (jacks, queens, and kings) are replaced with cards featuring dragons instead of their usual iconography. All cards still adhere to the same suit and value as their normal counterparts. When the deck is used to play a single round of a card game of the DM’s choice, the round’s victor can immediately declare a “day of the dragon” and shuffle the deck. The victor then draws a single card from the deck, causing that card’s effect according to the Day of the Dragon Effect column of the Game of Dragons table. Failure to draw after declaring a day of the dragon causes the victor to immediately suffer the relic’s bane. All of the card’s effects are permanent unless stated otherwise and occur immediately as detailed in the Day of the Dragon Effect column of the Game of Dragons table. Once a card has been drawn, it is reshuffled into the deck when the day of the dragon has ended. Additionally, each other creature that played in the game may immediately draw a single card from the deck, incurring its corresponding effect. Players other than the victor do not incur the relic’s bane if they choose not to draw. Once each participating creature has drawn a single card or the victor does not declare a day of the dragon, this feature cannot be used again for a period of 1 year. ATTUNEMENT To become attuned to the relic, you must win seven games of cards with the deck, after each of which you declare a day of the dragon. Chapter 7: Relics 22 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

Game of Dragons d100 Result Playing Card Dragon Card Equivalent Day of the Dragon Effect 1–5 Hearts: Jack Silver Dragon A race of tiny humanoids is created in your image. The humanoid civilization comes into existence on an object in your possession (determined by the DM) and is destroyed if the object is destroyed. The civilization advances quickly, looking to you for guidance and protection. If the civilization survives for 1 year, it vanishes into another dimension, and you gain 1 Epic level. 6–10 Hearts: Queen Gold Dragon You learn the location of a vast treasure worth at least 1 million gp not known to any other creature. 11–15 Hearts: King Platinum Dragon An ability score of your choice becomes 30. If you ever knowingly perform an act of evil, that ability score becomes 1. 16–20 Spades: Jack Blue Dragon Non-Epic creatures are always frightened of you and will not willingly cooperate with you unless coerced. 21–25 Spades: Queen Chromatic Dragon Queen You and each creature within 30 ft. of you when you draw this card become cursed with an Epic curse. While cursed, you cannot gain Epic levels until you perform an act of evil in service to an evil entity of the DM’s choice. The nature of the act is determined by the DM, and performing the act removes the curse. 26–30 Spades: King Red Dragon A dark prophecy becomes known to the world at large, foretelling apocalyptic destruction if you do not willingly sacrifice yourself. One year after you draw the card, a cataclysm of epic proportions occurs on your home plane, killing millions. The nature of the cataclysm is determined by the DM and can be prevented if you take your own life before it occurs and remain dead for 100 years. If any force brings you back to life before 100 years have elapsed, the cataclysm begins immediately. 31–35 Diamonds: Jack Copper Dragon When you draw this card, you begin an epic game of tag between you and every Epic creature within 30 ft. of you. The game lasts for 1 year, at the end of which any participants who are not “it” gain an Epic feat of their choice. 36–40 Diamonds: Queen Brass Dragon Everything you’ve ever done, experienced, and learned is written down in a book which appears in front of you. This book is an artifact that can be read by a non-Epic humanoid without any class levels for an extraordinary benefit. Reading the book takes 1 uninterrupted year of study during which the humanoid must spend 8 hours of strenuous activity each day learning everything there is to know about you. At the end of that year the humanoid gains 20 levels in a non-Epic core class in which you also have levels. After this effect has occurred or 2 years have passed, the book fades from existence. 41–45 Diamonds: King Bronze Dragon A new star appears in the sky upon the plane where you reside and shines brightly during the night for a period of 1 year. While you can see the star, you have Epic advantage on all saving throws, attack rolls, and ability checks. 46–50 Clubs: Jack White Dragon You are afflicted with an Epic curse that induces an overpowering, ravenous hunger for a period of 1 year. During this time, you attempt to consume the entirety of your fallen enemies’ remains at the first available opportunity, regardless of composition. 51–55 Clubs: Queen Black Dragon A twin identical to you in every way appears somewhere on your plane of existence. The twin’s alignment is opposite yours (for example, if you are chaotic good the creature would be lawful evil) and seeks your destruction by the most thorough means available. The creature cannot be persuaded otherwise by any means and does everything in its power to permanently end your existence. 56–60 Clubs: King Green Dragon All your worldly possessions other than the deck vanish and appear in the hands of your most powerful enemy. 61–65 Spades: Ace Clubs: Ace – One allied Epic creature of your choice within 30 ft. of you dies instantly. If the creature is returned to life, it cannot be considered an ally of yours for a period of 1 year. 66–70 Spades: 8–10 Clubs:8–10 – Your hit point maximum is reduced by 100 for a period of 1 year. If this effect reduces your hit point maximum to 0, you die and cannot be restored to life by non-Deific means. 71–75 Spades: 5–7 Clubs: 5–7 – For a period of 1 year, attacks against you score a critical hit on a 15–20. 76–80 Spades: 2–4 Clubs: 2–4 – For a period of 1 year, you willingly pay double the listed price for all purchases, components, and other expenses. 81–85 Diamonds: Ace Hearts: Ace – A single non-mythic creature of your choice springs into existence. Even if the creature would ordinarily be hostile to you, it is instead friendly toward you, sharing your alignment and morality. 86–90 Diamonds: 8–10 Hearts: 8–10 – The next time you are slain, your soul rests in an existing afterlife of your choosing instead of where it would be sent normally. 91–95 Diamonds: 5–7 Hearts: 5–7 – A mystical key appears in your possession. You can press the key to any locked door or portal and open it automatically. Once this feature has been used or 1 year passes, the key vanishes. 96–100 Diamonds: 2–4 Hearts: 2–4 – You immediately make a wish as though you had instantly cast the wish spell. You do not suffer any stress effects from casting the spell. Chapter 7: Relics EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 23

Enigma of Nyarlathotep Wondrous item, relic Worlds tremble before the unknowable power of the Great Old Ones. Thankfully, these beings have little cause to affect the mortal universe, choosing to dwell in realms outside conception. But there is one among them who has taken a keen interest in the affairs of lesser creatures, the enigmatic and mischievous Nyarlathotep. This Great Old One walked between worlds, reveling in its reality-shattering power. Through titanic effort Nyarlathotep was banished from the universe, a struggle that claimed the lives of millions. In the wake of the battle, a most unusual device was discovered: a puzzle box covered in alien sigils of the Great Old Ones, whose purpose and power are complete mysteries. Its bizarre properties are intolerable to the mind, and the Enigma of Nyarlathotep is impossible to quarantine, appearing in possession of random creatures throughout the planes. The box is a 1-foot cube fashioned from purple metal that appears to undulate when exposed to dim light. Four of the box’s faces display eldritch iconography waxing maddening poetry about the power of the Great Old Ones. The fifth face is a mysterious puzzle in honor of the Great Old Ones. The sixth face is a combination dial for a number with six digits, with a poem written in Common inscribed above the tumblers. PROPERTIES While unattuned, the Enigma of Nyarlathotep has the following properties. Dark Obsession. When you attempt to solve the puzzle box, you must hold the relic in your bare hands. Eldritch Communion. While holding the relic, you can directly address any Great Old One you are aware of as though you were in its presence. Doing so does not guarantee the Great Old One will respond or interact with you in any way, and you perceive the Great Old One you are addressing as though it were within 5 feet of you. If your Wisdom score is 20 or lower when you use this feature, you immediately suffer the relic’s bane. It Must Be Watched. If a creature does not hold the relic at least once per day, the relic mysteriously vanishes. It then appears in possession of another creature chosen by the Great Old Ones within 1d20 days. Whispers of Fear. If the puzzle box is in your possession, you can perfectly understand and communicate with creatures suffering from the cosmic terror condition (see the relic’s “Bane” section for more information). ATTUNEMENT To become attuned to the relic you must solve the puzzles present on the fifth and sixth sides of the box. Once both puzzles have been solved, the Enigma of Nyarlathotep opens and you become attuned to it. While attuned, the relic has the following properties, in addition to its unattuned properties. Invoke the Great Old Ones. While you hold the puzzle box, as an action you can entreat one of the nine Great Old Ones whose symbol appears on the puzzle box. When you do so, the Great Old One intervenes on your behalf, allowing you to instantly cast a mighty Epic spell according to which Great Old One you entreat. These spells are Deific effects, do not require any components or concentration to maintain their effects, are always cast as tier 3 Chapter 7: Relics 24 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

Epic spells, and cannot be countered, dispelled, or prevented by any known means. The spell save DC for these effects (when applicable) is always 35. If you don’t wait 8 hours before using this feature again, you immediately suffer the relic’s bane. „ Nyarlathotep – crimson winds of havoc „ Shub-Niggurath – transmogrification „ Cthulhu – dreamscape „ Yog-Sothoth – night terror „ Hastur – infinity room „ Tuzlscha – pyroclastic cannon „ Chaugnar Faugn – soul harvest „ Dagon – phenomenal cosmic power „ Azathoth – sphere of ultimate destruction Spreading Terror. When you work with the puzzle box for 1 hour, each creature of your choice in a 300-foot radius centered on you can choose to lose one or more levels of the cosmic terror condition. However, each level of cosmic terror lost in this manner must then be gained by another creature in the affected area. You decided which creatures in the area gain these levels of cosmic terror, and a single creature cannot gain more than six levels of cosmic terror in this manner. Fifth-Side Puzzle: Mindwarper This side of the puzzle box has a 9-inch-by-9-inch grid carved into its surface, with select squares filled with strange eldritch symbols. Additionally, nine different eldritch symbols are detailed below the grid in a specific order, all of which are identical to at least some of the symbols already present in the grid. While holding the box, touching empty squares on the grid causes one of the nine symbols of your choice to appear in that square and remain there until changed or until you will them to disappear. Great Old Ones Great Old One Symbol Great Old One Details Nyarlathotep. The crawling chaos, child of Azathoth, and bane of worlds. A master of deception and manipulation, Nyarlathotep is known to fulfill the dark desires of the savage and depraved. Shub-Niggurath. Black goat of the woods, mother of horrors, and warper of flesh. ShubNiggurath is responsible for many of the monstrous aberrations that plague the world. Cthulhu. “That is not dead which can eternal lie.” The power of Cthulhu, a tentacle-faced horror of the depths, is so intense that even the most Epic heroes are reduced to gibbering wretches by its presence. Yog-Sothoth. Omniscient lord of the occult, Yog-Sothoth’s power can be called upon through profane rituals of utter depravity. Its worshipers are forever twisted by their faith. Hastur. The unspeakable king in yellow, Hastur is the patron of otherworldly artistic inspiration, whose followers inscribe its yellow sign onto bizarre creations of twisted beauty. Tulzscha. A living sphere of emerald flame, Tulzscha incinerates the souls of those who behold it, leaving behind blasted shells filled with noxious, eternal fire. Chaugnar Faugn. A repulsive parasite that feeds on the life of all other beings. With each successful hunt, “the feeder” grows in strength, to what horrible end none can say. Dagon. Lord of the seas and master of the cult of the deep, Dagon is lord of all things foul that lurk in the lightless void beneath the waves. Its cultists are horrific mutants who seek to bring all of existence to a watery end. Azathoth. “Outside the ordered universe, that amorphous blight of nethermost confusion which blasphemes and bubbles at the center of all infinity—the boundless daemon sultan Azathoth, whose name no lips dare speak aloud, and who gnaws hungrily at the inconceivable.” – Renowned archmage of the Eldritch Cabal, H. P. Lovecraft Mindwarper Details Each of the nine eldritch symbols is a sign corresponding to a Great Old One. They are presented in the Great Old Ones table in the order in which their symbols appear beneath the grid. Chapter 7: Relics EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 25

Optional Difficulty Increase This puzzle assumes that an Epic character is able to associate an eldritch symbol with the name of a Great Old One. Since the names of nine Great Old Ones are required to solve the Measure of Power puzzle, already having this information substantially reduces the difficulty. To make it more challenging, make the names of the Great Old Ones difficult to discover or unknown to the characters. The eldritch symbols present on the puzzle provide a good starting point for characters to seek out information about the beings they represent. Depending on how difficult you make these names to find, this can add levels of complexity, adventure, and intrigue to solving the puzzle. This puzzle’s system is identical to the math puzzle sudoku but uses symbols instead of numbers. Each square on the grid can contain only a single symbol, and the grid is divided into nine threeby-three blocks, each containing nine squares. To solve the puzzle, each of the nine blocks must contain one of each eldritch symbol within its squares. Additionally, each symbol can only appear once in a single row or column throughout the entire grid. The puzzle is solved when the grid is filled with symbols and does not violate any of the aforementioned parameters. Characters attempting to solve the puzzle require 8 hours of strenuous activity in which they do nothing else. When a player’s character attempts to solve the puzzle in this manner, the DM gives all players whose characters are attempting to solve the puzzle a number of minutes in real time equal to the combined value of their characters’ Intelligence scores divided by the number of characters. This time must be spent attempting to solve the puzzle using only a pen, paper, and coordination between the players. A DM may award or remove time for this process based on any advantages, disadvantages, experience, or other factors influencing the characters attempting to solve the puzzle. When a character attempts to solve this puzzle, the relic’s Eldritch Communion feature allows for one of the nine Great Old Ones whose symbols appear on the puzzle to communicate with the player. The Great Old One may offer assistance and fill in one of the squares that its symbol would occupy when the puzzle is correctly solved (see the puzzle’s solution for details). A character who accepts this offer immediately suffers the relic’s bane. Mindwarper Solution Additionally, this side of the box shows a single poem inscribed in Common. Know our power, mortal minds Whose strength is measured in our names With syllables that turn and wind Their summary, our lyric’s games Compounded by our order’s count Combined is madness yet untold Until Azathoth’s great form is crowned And brings us glory a thousandfold Measure of Power Details This puzzle can only be solved by aligning the disks to form the appropriate six-digit number. The poem provides hints as to how to generate this number, a process that takes several steps. Attempting to solve the puzzle without knowing the answer (such as by flipping through random numbers hoping to get the solution) automatically fails. Measure of Power Solution The following steps explain how to solve the puzzle and come to the correct code: 120000. Sixth-Side Puzzle: Measure of Power This side of the puzzle box has six small disks which can be rotated independently of one another. On the tumblers are carved the numbers zero through nine, creating a combination lock. By aligning numbers on the disks, you are able to create a six-number sequence (one number from each disk), using any combination of the numbers from each disk. Step 1: Identifying the Great Old One’s “Power” “Know our power, mortal minds Whose strength is measured in our names With syllables that turn and wind Their summary, our lyric’s games” The “power” in the poem refers to a number that can be determined by examining each of the Great Old One’s names. The phrase “with syllables that turn and wind” refers to the number of syllables in each Great Old One’s name. “Their summary, our lyric’s games” instructs the reader to add the number of syllables together to create a value for that Great Old One, its “power.” Each of the Great Old One’s powers are detailed in the Power column of the Measure of Power Solution table. Note that these powers are not meant to be literal comparisons of power, simply figures. Chapter 7: Relics 26 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

Measure of Power Solution Great Old One Power Count Compound Nyarlathotep 5 1 5 Shub-Niggurath 4 2 8 Cthulu 3 3 9 Yog-Sothoth 3 4 12 Hastur 2 5 10 Tulzscha 2 6 12 Chaugnar Faugn 3 7 21 Dagon 2 8 16 Azathoth 3 9 27 Step 2: Combining the Value “Compounded by our order’s count Combined is madness yet untold” This section of the poem asks that the reader then compound the “power” of each Great Old One in the order presented in the Mindwarper puzzle below the grid. The count of each Great Old One is detailed in the Count column of the Measure of Power Solution table, which is then multiplied by the respective power. This value is detailed in the Compound column of the Measure of Power Solution table. With these compound values, the poem then asks the reader to combine them together before proceeding to the next step of the puzzle. The combined value of all of these numbers is 120 (5 + 8 + 9 + 12 + 10 + 12 + 21 + 16 + 27). Cosmic Terror Level Effect 1 The affected creature cannot communicate coherently with other creatures, instead uttering incoherent babble. 2 When the affected creature takes damage, it must immediately expend its reaction (if available). 3 The affected creature cannot consider other creatures allies. 4 The affected creature cannot understand other creatures’ words or communications. 5 The affected creature automatically fails Wisdom saving throws. 6 The affected creature cannot take actions unless a Great Old One directly allows it. Step 3: Azathoth’s Influence “Until Azathoth’s great form is crowned And brings us glory a thousandfold” Now that we have a combined value of 120, all that remains is to follow the poem’s instructions and multiply 120 by 1,000 (“glory a thousandfold”) to reach a total of 120,000. The puzzle is solved when the tumblers are set to 1, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0 (in that order). BANE The power of the Great Old Ones is dangerous to the mind and soul. When you use the Enigma of Nyarlathotep, you are closer to the minds of these alien entities than any mortal creature ought to be. This can inflict a unique condition called cosmic terror, which is measured in six levels. When a creature suffers the relic’s bane, it gains a level of cosmic terror. At the DM’s discretion, other interactions with the relic can inflict levels of cosmic terror, such as looking at the relic too long, attempting to damage it, or hiding it away from the world. Cosmic terror is a special condition which cannot be removed by non-Deific means. If a creature would be immune to the cosmic terror condition, it is instead not immune. A creature suffers the effect of its current level of cosmic terror as well as all lower levels. Abilities, effects, or spells that would remove cosmic terror instead reduce its level by one. Cosmic terror effects end if a creature’s cosmic terror level is reduced to zero. Chapter 7: Relics EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 27

mythic creatures chapter eight What Is a Mythic Foe? A monstrous child of a powerful deity. An archmage who knows the ultimate secret of magic. A dragon seeking to conquer the world. These examples and more constitute a special category of enemy found only in Epic Legacy: mythic creatures. These foes are frighteningly powerful, ferociously complex, and elegantly designed. Wholly separate and even deadlier than Epic legendary creatures when it comes to power and significance, mythic creatures possess a devastating combination of abilities that can reshape the world or lay low the mightiest heroes. Mythic creatures can be demigods, ancient apocalyptic horrors, Epic NPCs, or any other manner of foe. Each is a mighty force within your campaign’s story and world. Their design goes beyond simple mechanics, as the theme of each mythic creature can be tied to powerful, primal elements of your setting. This chapter covers the purpose of mythic creatures in your game, how to build your own mythic creatures, and a selection of mythic creatures for you to use in your adventures. Mythic Foes in Your Game Epic Legacy is designed around mythic creatures. You are encouraged to implement them in your game as a storytelling tool, combat challenge, and progression benchmark. Some mythic creatures are born with their power, while others develop it over great periods of time. No matter the setting, mythic creatures are extraordinarily rare—just one active in the world is a force to be reckoned with, too risky to engage directly without a brilliant plan and an immense amount of courage. The most powerful among these creatures are often Deific in strength and may be avatars of gods—or may be gods themselves. Exploring this chapter benefits tremendously from understanding Epic Legacy’s many new rules, systems, and features. Remember to take the time to explore those as well, especially if you are interested in running one of these monsters in your campaign. THE ANATOMY OF A MYTHIC CREATURE All mythic creatures possess the same general model of a creature in 5th Edition, including statistics, actions, features, traits, and other characteristics. They are run in much the same manner as regular creatures, just with awesome abilities and ludicrous power. In addition to their traditional stat blocks, mythic foes possess unique characteristics that separate them from other foes at Epic levels. Background Mythic creatures rarely just show up and roll initiative. Characters should see the effects of a mythic creature long before they encounter it, bearing witness to the aftermath of its goals and motivations. A mythic creature’s background is its lore, where it comes from, what power it wields, and why it is acting. Personality A mythic creature doesn’t just make decisions about what to do based on what is optimal—it has preferences and habits, both in and out of combat. A mythic golem fights with cold logic and perfectly rational combat decisions, while a mythic devil may take a few extra actions to torment the obnoxious grifter. Defining a mythic creature’s personality helps you roleplay it, contributing to a memorable experience. Mythic Effects The most important mark of a mythic creature, mythic effects are akin to a creature’s regional effects but are generated wherever a mythic creature ventures. A mixture of combat- and story-focused abilities, each effect is based on the creature’s theme and signals its more dangerous features well before the party rolls for initiative. Used well, they build a sense of tension and awe in an adventuring party making their way toward their mighty foe. Mythic Actions Mythic actions are special actions similar to the lair actions of lesser creatures, occurring on specific initiative counts in combat for dramatic effects. These actions are a mythic creature’s most The dragon dove toward the assembled party with such speed the air burned as the crusader crushed between its jaws prayed to whatever god would listen. Desperately, the archmage raised a shield of magic. As the beast’s massive body slammed into the arcane barrier, the earth shook. The spell cracked, then failed. Scattered and grievously wounded, the adventurers struggled to stand as Ultraxus spit the corpse of their companion into the dirt. Before her body hit the ground, the ascendant was weaving a spell of resurrection. The grifter leapt atop the dragon’s back, distracting the wyrm while the magic took hold. The fight was far from over. – A party of Epic characters engaging a mythic creature EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 29

powerful, with unique mechanics, escalating strength, and thematic abilities. An entire encounter with a mythic creature can be based around these actions, and foes of mythic creatures quickly learn to fear their power. RUNNING A MYTHIC ENCOUNTER Running a mythic encounter is a legendary experience. To help you achieve these thrilling results, this section details helpful strategies for getting your mythic encounters running smoothly and ensuring your players have the desired experience. Be Prepared Review a mythic creature’s statistics well before you run the encounter. These creatures are ferociously complex, and their powerful and unique abilities take time to master. While you don’t need to have them all memorized, familiarity means less time flipping through your notes and more time slinging fistfuls of dice. You want your turns to be efficient and effective—while your players are taking their time plotting their next move, you’ve already got your next five ready to roll. Tracking Tools When preparing these encounters, think about what things you will need track during the encounter. Concentration, conditions, effects with long durations, and plenty of dice are common. If you think you’ll have a difficult time remembering certain features, use physical and digital tools and trackers. Simple systems like putting a token on the board to represent when your creature is concentrating on a spell or when a pesky adventurer is on fire are effective. Building a Mythic Encounter While there are enough mythic encounters in this book to keep a group busy from levels 21 to 30, at some point you’ll want to make your own. Mythic encounters can consist of a single creature, a team of monsters, or even an entire army of enemies. What matters most is that your mythic encounter is challenging and a big component of your game’s story. This section will help you put together your own mythic encounters that are appropriate for your game and fun for your players. GETTING STARTED: STEP-BY-STEP MYTHIC ENCOUNTERS When developing these encounters for your game, establish the core concept for the creature well in advance and refine it with specific numbers and mechanics as you get closer to running the encounter. This allows you to design the mechanics of your encounter with precision based around the capabilities and strategies of the players at the time. This section outlines the process of designing a mythic encounter. Step 1: Assessing the Party Use the “Challenging Epic Characters” section in chapter 6 to get an accurate assessment of the strength of the adventuring party. What level are they? What are their strengths and weaknesses? What is their skill level? What kind of challenges do they find interesting? This understanding will shape your encounter. You can even ask the players these questions directly, creating a sense of trepidation while they wonder why you need to know such things. Step 2: Choosing a Theme Theme is the heart of any encounter. Fire, time, death, trickery, magic, strength, skill, and many more are all strong core concepts upon which to build an encounter. The theme should be present in the encounter’s lore, tone, and mechanics, shaping it at every turn. For example, an encounter with a chaos theme should have mechanics that are unpredictable or random, with a background that emphasizes the importance that chaos plays in your world. The encounter should feel erratic, with your players never knowing what to expect. Maybe your encounter will feature a team of creatures, each representing a different facet of chaos, or a mighty elemental formed of the raging combinations of different elements all in conflict with each other. You want your creature’s theme to develop into an encounter that is challenging, fun, flavorful, and suitably complex. Don’t just pick the first cool idea that pops into your head. Analyze, assess, and daydream about the merits and weaknesses of your theme before moving forward. It will make your monster all the more fulfilling and effective at the game table. Step 3: Laying the Foundation The pillars of your encounter—detailed as follows—are core statistics, traits, escalation mechanics, and innovative design. Core Statistics Hit points, proficiency bonuses, and save DCs are key factors in your mythic encounter’s statistics and general difficulty. If you are unfamiliar with the process of building encounters for 5th Edition, you should take time to educate yourself with the core rules before proceeding, and review chapter 6 for even more information about encounter building at Epic levels. The suggested statistics for mythic creatures in a typical game of Epic Legacy are detailed in the Mythic Creature Core Statistics by Challenge table. Traits A truly mythic creature needs defensive, offensive, and utility features, the traits that make it formidable. These are unique abilities that tip the scales in an encounter, creating innovative mechanics to surprise your players. Defensive Features A creature’s defenses define its survivability—hit points, resistances, immunities, traits, and actions that provide self-protection. Consider how effective your creature’s defenses will be based on the offensive abilities of the characters. These can be mundane defenses such as damage resistances or immunities, condition immunities, legendary resistances, or extraordinary abilities like reflecting countered spells back at their source, moving away from threats at impossible speeds, or an aura that forces those who damage it to take an equal amount of damage. An encounter’s defenses can be defined by the following levels. Strong. Strong defenses make a mythic creature nearly impervious against certain methods of attack. An absurdly high saving throw bonus, Epic-strength damage immunities, or an AC in the Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures 30 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

Mythic Creature Core Statistics by Challenge Mythic Challenge Rating Average # of Combat Rounds to Defeat Hit Points AC Proficiency Bonus Optimal Damage per Round Average Save DC 1 6–8 900–1,400 21–24 +8 250–400 23–24 2 6–8 1,100–1,600 22–26 +8/+9 300–450 23–25 3 6–8 1,300–2,000 23–28 +9/+10 350–450 24–25 4 7–9 1,500–2,400 24–30 +9/+10 400–500 24–26 5 7–9 1,700–2,800 25–32 +10/+11 450–550 25–26 6 8–10 1,900–3,200 26–34 +10/+11 500–600 26–28 7 8–10 2,100–3,600 27–36 +11/+12 550–650 27–29 8 9–11 2,300–4,000 28–38 +11/+12 600–700 28–30 9 9–11 2,500–4,400 29–40 +12/+13 650–750 30–32 10 10–12 2,700–5,000 30–40 +12/+13 800–1,100 32–35 stratosphere are all examples of strong defenses. These defenses almost never fail and discourage players from trying to surpass them. A mythic creature should never have more than a handful of these defenses. Medium. Medium defenses are the standard array of damage resistances and immunities. Medium defenses should take some effort or resources for a party of Epic adventurers to overcome, but they aren’t perfect. Mythic encounters possess many of these defenses. Weak. Low AC, a poor saving throw bonus, or limited senses can be exploited by clever Epic characters to great success. All but the most powerful mythic encounters have at least a few of these defenses. In extreme cases, these defenses can be vulnerabilities that players can target for tremendous advantage. Building vulnerabilities into your mythic creature is risky, so consider giving the encounter plenty of strong and medium defenses to compensate. Offensive Features Mythic creatures pull no punches, and characters should never feel safe during a mythic encounter. Even a well-prepared party sheathed in magical protections should struggle over the course of the encounter. Mythic creatures have overwhelming offensive power and a diversity of effects. However, your players need to feel like they have a chance of victory, so avoid creating features that afford no opportunity for interactivity and decision-making. A feature that instantly kills a character in the first round of combat makes the creature formidable, but it’s hardly fair or interesting. A mythic creature’s offensive features typically fall into three categories, detailed as follows. Overpowering.There should be no foolproof defense against an overpowering attack, spell, or other effect. If the party gets wiped out by an overpowering offensive feature, it should be because they made a major mistake in how they strategically approached the encounter. Overpowering offensive features with durations must be cured or dispelled rather than endured. Fleeting or instantaneous offensive effects of this strength should be predictable and require preparation to survive. A mythic encounter must have at least one overwhelming offensive feature, but its use should be limited. Using them every round is just cruel. Dangerous. A dangerous offensive feature needs to hit hard enough to make Epic characters flinch, but not enough to put them on death’s door with every use. These features give your encounter a sense of perpetual threat. Every mythic creature should have many such abilities, and they should make up the majority of the creature’s average round of combat. Aim for diversity in the ways the creature harms the characters. Forcing the party to attempt saving throws, avoid attacks, and spend movement to stay alive keeps your encounter feeling fresh and allows each character a chance to shine. Manageable. Manageable features are those your players can overcome with some quick thinking or strong defenses of their own. A fighter who invested heavily in AC and damage resistance should have a chance to feel invincible, even if it’s just for one round. Your creature should always have at least one manageable offensive feature to make your players feel like something is going well before they are torn to shreds. Utility Features Unless your monster is literally a giant death robot built only to kill, it probably has things it likes to do in its spare time. For when your monster needs something to do in the world, there are utility features. These features should align with your creature’s theme and bring out its personality and behavior. Skills, forms of transportation, languages, senses, environmental manipulation, and magic all give your mythic encounter the means to influence the world. An adult copper dragon’s ability to make creatures near its lair giggle uncontrollably or a celestial’s ability to know a lie when it hears one give depth to creatures and colors interactions with them. The best kind of utility features are those that have an interesting interaction both in and out of combat, allowing players to observe its capabilities and gain a strategic advantage before doing battle. Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 31

Escalation Mechanics Unless perfectly balanced, a typical encounter in 5th Edition gets easier the longer it goes on. A creature running out of gas can lead to a disappointing conclusion for what should have been an awesome finale. Mythic creatures are different, each possessing a trait or combat mechanic that grows more dangerous with each passing round. An escalation mechanic can be anything you choose: an action, defensive trait, offensive trait, or even a utility trait. All that is required is that the mechanic be noticeable at the start of the encounter and begin escalating rapidly. For example, a volcano monster gets hotter with each passing turn, an archmage magically calls a meteor closer each time she casts a spell, or a giant barbarian grows larger the longer he rages. Whatever your design, this mechanic should occur every round and be unpreventable. If the characters do not finish the encounter before the escalation gets out of hand, they will lose. Think about how long you want your encounter to go on when designing this feature. Do you want a furious melee over in a few short rounds, or a protracted slugfest several hours long? Your escalation mechanic should support this timeframe and pacing throughout the encounter. An escalation mechanic requires players to be strategic about how they pick their fights. Sending in an army of minions to soften up a mythic creature may sound like a good idea on paper, but in reality it’s just a warmup to awaken its full strength. Your players should know that the encounter they are about to face will escalate in this manner before engaging it. That doesn’t mean they need to understand the exact nature of the escalation (save that as a reward for if they do their homework), but they should get the gist. Innovative Design Your mythic creatures should be bold and inspired to create the perfect level of excitement and fear in your players. Using other creatures as a reference is great, but don’t rely exclusively on what has been done before. Reskinning a bunch of features from other monsters can help you fill in the gaps of a creature’s traits and abilities, but at its core, a mythic creature should be something special that comes from your imagination. You want a wow factor that makes jaws drop, making players tremble with excitement, and eliciting exclamations of shock around the table. This is the hardest part of designing a mythic encounter, and you should spend the most time here during your creature’s development. This book can’t tell you how to innovate for every encounter, but here are some helpful suggestions. 1. Look at the mythic foes provided later in this chapter. Notice how each creature combines theme, power, and other characteristics into a functional whole that feels distinct. Let their examples be your guide. 2. Dig deep into 5th Edition’s gameplay systems. Mechanics like drowning, falling, ability checks, and movement can open up huge opportunities for unique effects. You will likely learn a mechanic works in a way you did not expect, which means your players won’t expect it either. A mythic creature can create traps in combat, form ludicrous environmental hazards, and target characters based on their alignment and backgrounds. Almost everything is fair game. 3. Bend (and sometimes break) the rules. Just because something works a specific way in 5th Edition or even within this book doesn’t mean you are beholden to it. You can even pull in mechanics from other RPGs, video games, or any other medium. You can take this principle far, creating bizarre encounters unlike any your players have faced. A mythic encounter could exclusively involve roleplaying by trying to convince an apocalyptic deity to not destroy the world via rational debate. You could even create a metagaming creature, forcing the characters to run an encounter without the use of their character sheets and playing from memory. Armed with your pillars of mythic encounter design, you are ready to proceed to the next step: designing features for your encounter. Step 4: Feature Development This is where the numbers come in. Here you will define actions, bonus actions, reactions, mythic actions, lair actions, legendary actions, and traits. Don’t worry about getting the numbers exactly right—that aspect of a creature is easily adjusted. What’s important is that your monster has synergy between its abilities and accomplishes its design goals. Actions. A mythic creature’s turn should be the most dangerous moment in the round for the characters. Your creature should have a diverse pool of actions from which to choose, keeping your players guessing at what fresh horror you have in store. Some actions can even be defensive in nature, such as a Dodge action that provides advantages well beyond what is typical. Your creature’s actions should be overwhelming at best, dangerous at worst, and never merely manageable. Bonus Actions and Reactions. Bonus actions should almost never be stronger than a creature’s actions, but they are useful when it comes to augmenting or improving other features. A bonus action can boost the strength of an attack, make a defense more effective, or increase a creature’s utility without sacrificing a more powerful action. Don’t give your creature a bonus action just to have one. If you are going to develop such a feature, push the boundaries of design and do something new. Reactions can be hugely impactful or completely irrelevant. A mythic creature making a single opportunity attack once per round is not a big deal. A mythic spellcasting creature casting an Epic spell as a reaction, however, is. Having one reaction can be limiting, and the ability to take multiple reactions per turn can be an excellent alternative to legendary actions. Reactions should occur in response to what the players do, so you must be attentive to their actions or miss your opportunity. This added complexity means reactions must be powerful. A mythic creature taking a reaction should spring a deadly trap, counter a powerful attack, or prevent the party from accomplishing an important objective. Mythic Actions and Lair Actions. If your creature has mythic actions, they should be tied heavily to its theme. Additionally, mythic actions are the best place for an escalation mechanic. Most mythic creatures have at least two mythic actions from which to choose each time they can take one, and some have even more. Their effects should be distinct—perhaps one is offensively focused while the other is defensive. Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures 32 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

If your creature has lair actions, it is tied to a specific environment. Lair actions for mythic creatures should work much like mythic actions in terms of strength and design but should be themed around the environment in question. Instead of the features coming from the creature itself, the creature influences the world around it—a small but significant difference when it comes to describing your creature’s abilities and designing encounters. Your creature’s environment should synergize with these features, driving the point home that it is fighting on its home turf with a tremendous strategic advantage. Legendary Actions. These relatively minor actions should be a mix of manageable and dangerous features. If your creature has devastating legendary actions, it will overwhelm the party before they have a chance to get into the meat of the encounter. Most mythic creatures have a wide range of legendary abilities, with a solid mix of utility, offensive, and defensive features. In some cases, these powers can be extraordinarily significant, requiring the expenditure of multiple legendary actions rather than just one. This is a great way to surprise your players, using an ability they expect to see on the creature’s turn immediately after one of their own. Traits. A creature’s trait section is precious space and shouldn’t be an overwhelming mess of information. It’s tempting to fill your creature’s traits with a wide array of features, but you should focus on those you are most likely to use. This is particularly true if you give a creature a spellcasting trait, as those are already extremely complex. Traits can and should interact with other characteristics and features—such as movement, actions, or ability checks—for expanded and interesting effects. Once you have developed a rough model of your creature’s features and traits, it is time to move to the final step. Step 5: Polishing and Final Adjustments The last stage in developing your mythic creature requires that you nail down your creature’s statistics. Once it’s all put together, make a final pass to ensure your mythic creature is working properly and eliminate unintended interactions between its features. Numbers and Statistics. The time has come to commit to your encounter’s statistics—proficiency bonus, ability scores, AC, speed, hit points, and everything else. Make sure to check the math on all of these features and reference the Mythic Creature Core Statistics by Challenge table in step 3. Keep in mind how high or low statistics will affect the strength of your features. A creature with incredible damage dice on a successful bite attack but an inferior chance to hit is a manageable ability, not an overpowering one. In addition to determining the creature’s core statistics, you need to decide how much damage you want its features to do (if any). The Optimal Damage per Round column of the Core Statistics table gives you a sense of the damage your creature should do each round under optimal conditions. If your creature’s targets are likely to be paralyzed when attacked, the extra damage from that effect should be factored into your expected damage per round. Some abilities can effectively defeat Epic characters without killing them. Effects that remove characters from combat, incapacitate them for long periods of time, or render them impotent are just as dangerous as reducing them to 0 hit points and should not be underestimated. Statistics and numbers are the easiest thing to change about your creature. If you find yourself dissatisfied with a feature as you start calculating its numbers, it’s okay to go back a step and adjust it before proceeding. Final Pass. At this point, your mythic creature should have fully functional, ready-to-run statistics. All that remains is to review your work. Take a break before doing this, as it’s the last chance you’ll get to make major changes before rolling initiative. Over the course of this process, look for mathematical inconsistences, confusing or overcomplicated features, and other problems that could ruin your encounter mid-session. The Mythic Creature Final Pass Checklist contains everything you should watch for. Once you have completed the checklist, you are ready to roll! Congratulations—your efforts have borne a unique and deadly fruit. May players tremble at your creation. Mythic Creature Final Pass Checklist To Do Check Is your math correct (DCs, attack rolls, skills, saving throws, etc.)? q Does your creature feel Epic? q Do your creature’s features have synergy? q Does your creature possess a diverse pool of features? q Is your creature making good use of its theme? q Do you think your creature will be fun to encounter as a player? q Could your creature be run by another DM familiar with Epic Legacy? q Is your creature as easy to run as possible? q Do you need any extra materials to run your creature (tokens, trackers, condition cards, spell cards, etc.)? q Do you have all the dice you need? q Are you ready to have fun? q Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 33

Sample Mythic Foes Prepare yourself, Epic DM—you are about to see some of the most powerful monsters ever conceived for 5th Edition. Their abilities are complex and astonishing, the result of herculean design and balance efforts. We hope these impressive creatures serve you well in your campaigns, whether you modify them to fit your adventures or use them as templates for your own designs. Whatever you decide, it is sure to be an encounter your players will never forget. The Elderbeast The ultimate predator makes prey of us all. Description Nature’s cruelty has never seen such a perfect specimen as the ferocious being known as the elderbeast. The ideal predator, this monster is a hulking mass of hair, muscle, teeth, and claws, forever stained with the blood of the slain. It knows no empathy or understanding for those it hunts, striking with remorseless precision and feasting on the kill. When viewed clearly, the elderbeast possesses a gorilla-like shape with a hide imbued with supernatural strength. Its form twists and molds into shapes ideal for the hunting and killing of prey, no matter the terrain or evasiveness of the quarry. The fearsome visage is complete with the elderbeasts’s maw, with fangs which pierce adamantine and jaws that crush stone. The Elderbeast in Your Campaign To introduce the elderbeast into a campaign is to unleash a terrifying foe into your story. Should the characters dare to wander into its territory, they risk becoming prey to one of the mightiest creatures in the world. They will need every ounce of their creativity, cunning, and strength to contend with such a force and would do well to respect its relationship to nature. Because of the elderbeast’s ability to spontaneously generate, it can appear anywhere. Once it has established a territory, bloodshed is sure to follow. There is no malevolence in the heart of the elderbeast, only a strict adherence to the laws of survival. Keep this in mind when utilizing the creature in your campaign. It is a force of nature, beyond diplomacy or reason. Should your players seek the elderbeast, they do so at great and terrible risk. Night of Fangs. Every one hundred years, a druidic circle comes together to issue a formidable challenge open to all contenders: survive a night in the territory of an elderbeast called forth by their magic and be recognized as one of the most formidable survivalists in existence. In addition to this title, the druids offer a staff of the archdruid to the victor. With only one hundred slots open, heroes from all over sign up to try their luck. Last Hunt.An aged slayer approaches the characters with a plea for aid. The ranger wishes to have their last great hunt be against the elderbeast, but with all their companions long dead, new allies are required. In return for their aid, the ranger will craft them a suit of leather armor from the beast’s hide: the legendary moonhide. Goremoon. A once-in-a-millennia event known as a goremoon is upon the realms, which lasts for an entire week. During this time, the elderbeast becomes enraged, killing at random and rampaging across the land. Few have knowledge of this dreaded event, and fewer still have the capacity to stop it. Mythic Effects As a mythic creature, the elderbeast causes the following effects. Moonbound. If the elderbeast is dead when a blue moon rises in the night sky on the material plane, it is restored to life at its hit point maximum in an unoccupied space at least 100 miles from the nearest city. This is a Deific effect. Epic Lycanthropy. A humanoid wounded by the elderbeast that does not receive the benefits of a DC 27 Wisdom (Medicine) check within 24 hours becomes infected with a uniquely virulent incarnation of lycanthropy, which is an Epic curse. While cursed in this manner, when a creature next kills a beast, it becomes a lycanthrope of that kind of beast (for example, a humanoid infected with this lycanthropy that kills a ferret becomes a wereferret). PROFILE Personality: Predatory Ideals: The elderbeast lives only to hunt, kill, and feed upon its prey. Food is its primary concern, but thanks to its absolute fearlessness and perception that all other creatures are prey, the beast may find itself hunting anything that crosses its path. Bonds: The hunting grounds of the elderbeast are the creature’s only concern beyond its immediate wellbeing. Once the creature has laid claim to a territory it remains there until there is no longer prey to hunt. Creatures that violate this space, especially those that bring devastation and death, antagonize the elderbeast in the extreme. Flaws: Once the elderbeast has committed to hunting its chosen prey, it does not stop until either it is victorious or dead. It refuses to feed upon anything else, even if it would otherwise starve. Legend: When the forces of nature were forced to content with the relentless march of civilization, they evolved a natural and terrific response. From the primordial power of the wild, the elderbeast clawed forth, an indomitable obstacle to any seeking to tame the wilds. This was no mere beast to be hunted and slain—from its fangs the first lycanthropes were born, so mortals would never be free from their ties to nature. No matter how many times the elderbeast was slain, the creature always returned, hungry for more. As a living embodiment of the natural order, the elderbeast is revered and respected by countless cultures. Few would dare contend with such a foe without great purpose, and fewer still could hope to succeed. Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures 34 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

Elderbeast Huge mythic monstrosity, unaligned Armor Class 20; 26 (natural armor) in brute form Hit Points 1,512 (121d12 + 726) Speed 30 ft.; 80 ft. in stalker form; fly 120 ft. in seeker form STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 26 (+8) 30 (+10) 22 (+6) 13 (+1) 21 (+5) 8 (−1) Saving Throws Str +17, Dex +19, Con +15, Int +10, Wis +14, Cha +8 Skills Athletics +26, Perception +23, Stealth +28 (in stalker form), Survival +23 Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from attacks not made with silvered weapons Damage Immunities bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from non-Epic creatures Condition Immunities none; grappled, paralyzed, restrained, stunned, unconscious (seeker form only) Condition Immunities charmed, frightened Senses truescent 1 mile. (see traits), darkvision 300 ft., passive Perception 33 Languages — Challenge Mythic 3 TRAITS Apex Predator. When the elderbeast would gain advantage on an attack roll, it instead gains Epic advantage. Mythic Resistance. When the elderbeast fails a saving throw, it can spend one of its unspent legendary actions to succeed instead. Truescent. The elderbeast can detect the presence of other creatures within 1 mile using its supernaturally keen sense of smell. When the elderbeast detects a creature in this manner, it learns the target’s current hit points, its creature type, and what it tastes likes. Additionally, a creature whose hit points are below its hit point maximum cannot mask or conceal its scent from the elderbeast. Shapechanger. As a bonus action, the elderbeast can transform between its three different forms: brute, hunter, and seeker. The elderbeast gains the following traits according to its form. • Primal Might (Brute Form Only). When the elderbeast takes more than 50 damage in a single instance, it instead takes 50 damage. Additionally, the elderbeast’s AC is 26 (included in its statistics). • Nightstalker (Hunter Form Only). The elderbeast has proficiency and expertise in Dexterity (Stealth) ability checks (included in its statistics). Additionally, once per turn the elderbeast deals an extra 70 (20d6) damage when it hits a target with a weapon attack and has advantage on the attack roll, or when the target is within 5 feet of an ally of the elderbeast that isn’t incapacitated and the elderbeast doesn’t have disadvantage on the attack roll. • Skyreaver (Seeker Form Only). The elderbeast is immune to the grappled, paralyzed, restrained, stunned, and unconscious conditions (included in its statistics). Additionally, while the elderbeast is airborne it is immune to spells and magical effects of 5th level or lower unless it chooses to be affected. MYTHIC ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the elderbeast takes a mythic action to cause one of the following effects. The elderbeast cannot cause the same effect multiple times in a row. Cursed Claws. Until the next initiative count of 20, the elderbeast’s weapon attacks are empowered by a dread curse. While so empowered, when the elderbeast scores a hit with a weapon attack against a creature, the target must succeed on a DC 27 Charisma saving throw or be permanently afflicted with a curse. While cursed in this manner, a creature cannot willingly move away from the elderbeast. Killing Blow. The elderbeast chooses a creature it can see and learns how to kill it with ruthless efficiency. Until the next initiative count of 20, when the elderbeast scores its first hit with a melee weapon attack against that target, the creature must succeed on a DC 27 Constitution saving throw or take quadruple damage from the attack, or double damage on a success. If the elderbeast uses this action again, it may choose an additional creature to affect with this feature. This effect is cumulative, to a maximum of five target creatures. ACTIONS Multiattack. The elderbeast makes four Claw attacks. It can forgo making two Claw attacks in this manner to instead take the Dash or Hide action or make a single Dread Bite attack. Claw. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 15 ft., one target. Hit: 37 (6d8 + 10) slashing damage. Dread Bite. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit: 65 (10d10 + 10) piercing damage, and the target is grappled (escape DC 27). While grappled in this manner, the target is also frightened. Feeding Frenzy. Melee Weapon Attack: +19 to hit, reach 5 ft., one fleshand-blood creature with 0 hit points. Hit: The target dies, and its body is dismembered. Hunter’s Howl (Recharge 5–6). The elderbeast howls with savage might and can be heard up to 10 miles away. Each creature of the elderbeast’s choice in the affected area that can hear the howl must succeed on a DC 27 Wisdom saving throw or have all its senses reduced to a range of 15 feet, becoming blinded and deafened beyond that radius. At the end of each of its turns, an affected creature can repeat the saving throw to end the effect. Once the effect ends for a creature, it becomes immune to Hunter’s Howl for 24 hours. LEGENDARY ACTIONS The elderbeast can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The elderbeast regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Prowl. The elderbeast moves up to half its speed and makes a single Claw attack at the end of that movement. Dread Bite (Costs 2 Actions). The elderbeast makes a Dread Bite attack. Hide (Costs 2 Actions). The elderbeast takes the Hide action. Unstoppable Rage (Costs 3 Actions). Until the end of its next turn, the elderbeast enters a furious rage, ending any spells or magical effects currently affecting it. While in this state, when the elderbeast would encounter a magical effect that would prevent its movement or actions, it can choose to take 35 (10d6) psychic damage to become immune to the effect for the duration of the rage. Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 35

Moonhide Armor (non-metal), legendary (requires attunement) This suit of leather armor is still covered in thick bristles from the hide of the creature from which it was taken. While you wear the armor, as a bonus action on each of your turns you may activate the latent power of lycanthropy within it, granting it one of the following benefits. This benefit lasts until you use this option again. Brute. While you wear the armor, when you take 15 or less damage in a single instance, you instead take no damage. Seeker. While you wear the armor, you have a flying speed of 30 feet, and while you are airborne you are immune to spells of 3rd level or lower unless you choose not to be. Stalker. While you wear the armor, you are invisible and can take the Hide action as a bonus action. Rewards The rewards for slaying the elderbeast are few but notable. Any with a respect for hunting and survival will forever honor those responsible, speaking their names in awe and celebrating the achievement with song. Even the mightiest forces of nature bow their heads in respect, for outwitting such a fearsome predator is a true testament to survival of the fittest. Those with tremendous skills in leatherworking find the hide of the elderbeast to be of extraordinary quality. Such a hide is near priceless and can be fashioned into a formidable suit of armor known as moonhide. Time Weaver Time is a river, and they its navigators. Description A time weaver is an enigmatic alien being from a realm beyond mortal understanding. Existence struggles to define the creature, whose physical form is wrapped in unidentifiable fabric of blue and white that flows like water. Its face, framed in the hood of its tunic, is a black void from which no sound can be heard nor features discerned. Each of its movements echo across reality, disjunct from the time stream in an unsettling display. Its hands caress thin air like a weaver on a loom, interacting with an element of existence imperceptible to lesser creatures. Unless consciously moved, the rest of the creature’s body stays perfectly still, as if not to disturb the flow of time around it. Time Weavers in Your Campaign It should come as no surprise that a campaign featuring a time weaver is telling a story about time travel. The creature’s every action influences the temporal nature of the worlds it visits, often with fearsome consequences for those on a linear timescale. Few things are more epic than an encounter dealing with such a fundamental and important force in the universe. A time weaver running amok in your campaign is changing the past, present, future, and potentially even exploring alternate timelines. Epic characters wishing to contend with such an awesome force must find their own methods for controlling time, to foil or push back against the Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures 36 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

weaver’s machinations. Examples of the kinds of encounters Epic characters may experience when facing the elderbeast are detailed in this section. Nega-Verse. A time weaver has opened a bridge between two opposing realities. Within this parallel dimension, everything is inverted. Fiends are virtuous, celestials are sinister, and dragons are generous. As the two worlds collide, a horrifying truth becomes evident: the characters are alive in this mirror universe, just as powerful, and eager to slay their doppelgangers. The Future Is Bright. A time weaver approaches the characters with a message from their future selves, which are apparently alive and well a thousand years in the future. The message provides details only the characters could know and advises them to embark upon a dangerous path to save the world. This is a ruse. The time weaver has indeed spoken with the party from the future, but only because it slew them in battle. By setting them on a determined path, the weaver hopes to close the circle and ensure the future. Only truly epic heroes can escape such a fate. Roads of Time. A powerful time weaver artifact known as the Time Atlas has fallen into mortal hands. This wondrous object allows one to navigate the River of Time without fear of becoming lost or falling prey to its ravages. An understandably angry time weaver desires its return by any means necessary and desperately seeks mortal aid in tracking the artifact down. Mythic Effects As a mythic creature, a time weaver has the following properties. Master of Time. The weaver has unparalleled mastery over the forces of time, granting it the following benefits. „ The weaver is immune to any effect that manipulates time unless it wishes to be affected. Additionally, the weaver is immune to the effects of temporal paradoxes, time loops, and other time-based phenomena. „ The weaver cannot exist at the same time as another version of itself, even across multiple timelines. „ The weaver always knows what time it is. Time Ticks On. When a time weaver deals damage to a creature or causes it to lose hit points, the creature instantly ages 1 year for every 10 points of damage taken or hit points lost. A creature reduced to 0 hit points in this manner is slain instantly. Timewalker. When the time weaver finishes a long rest, it can choose to travel through time. When it does so, the weaver and everything it is wearing and carrying is magically transported forward or backward through time, or to an alternate timeline. Once the weaver has traveled a combined 500 years forward or backward through time in this manner, it must wait 1 year before it can do so again. Each time the weaver visits an alternate timeline, it is equivalent to 100 years of travel backward or forward through time. Rewards Time weavers see few objects as possessions of value, and those they do care for are often unusable or indecipherable to other beings. Defeating a time weaver is to forever shape the past, present, PROFILE Personality: Curious Ideals: Weavers are obsessed with temporal paradoxes and go to any lengths to investigate their obsession. The creatures only communicate with non-weavers when presented with a burning question that cannot be answered through their own prodigious intellect. Such interactions are surprisingly warm, as the weaver inquires about a creature’s thoughts and feelings with a pleasant demeanor. Bonds: Weavers have either forgotten what it means to live in linear time, or they do not care. How they decide what to experiment on and why is a mystery, but a weaver fights to follow through with its intentions. This enigmatic behavior makes them incomprehensible and dangerous for almost any creature that encounters them. Flaws: Weavers abhor combat, though they find the idea of death quite fascinating. A weaver always tries to escape or convince its attackers to abandon their assault, reserving its most powerful abilities for persistent threats or those resistant to its attacks. This behavior stems not from a respect for life, but because violence has an unsettling linearity to it that weavers find distressful. Legend: The time weavers are a race of explorers and scientists from their home plane, the River of Time. With unparalleled mastery over temporal forces, these bizarre beings travel to any era or any location on a whim. Sometimes they are passive observers; at other times they act with frightening purpose, experimenting, sampling, and witnessing the effects of temporal phenomena on a linear existence. A weaver’s very presence disrupts the time stream, creating alternate timelines and shunting creatures to different eras. This has given the beings a fearsome reputation as agents of horrifying catastrophe, but the weavers don’t seem to care. Some believe the weavers seek to understand their own existence and how they came to be, having forgotten their origins as linear beings. Whatever the truth may be, one thing is certain: None understand the mysteries of time better than the weavers. and future, for without a weaver’s influence the timeline is free to chart its own course. However, when a time weaver is slain there is a chance its body will collapse into a temporal rift. This hole in time is a coalescent of the time weaver’s power and remains open for 1 hour. Over the course of this duration, any creature that passes through the portal’s aperture can choose to travel forward or backward through time, or to an alternative timeline of their choosing. A creature can travel up to 1,000 years into the past or future in this manner, and regardless of which option it chooses it appears in the nearest unoccupied space to where it entered the portal. Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 37

Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures 38 EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK

Time Weaver Medium mythic elemental, neutral Armor Class 26 (natural armor) Hit Points 2,291 (158d10 + 1,422) Speed 0 ft., fly 30 ft. (hover) STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA 12 (+1) 22 (+6) 28 (+9) 34 (+12) 24 (+7) 18 (+4) Saving Throws Str +12, Dex +17, Con +20, Int +23, Wis +17, Cha +15 Skills History +34, Insight +17, Perception +17 Damage Immunities force; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-Epic creatures Condition Immunities blinded, charmed Senses truesight 300 ft., passive Perception 27 Languages cannot speak, telepathy 120 ft. Challenge Mythic 7 TRAITS Do Over. When the weaver fails a saving throw, it can expend the use of one of its unspent legendary actions to attempt the saving throw again. The weaver chooses which result to use. Fast Forward (5/Day). If the weaver suffers from a hostile effect with a duration greater than instantaneous, it can choose to immediately end the effect (no action required). Final Countdown. When the weaver rolls initiative, it can choose to begin the final countdown. The weaver is mantled by the face of a simple clock formed of magical energy, with the device’s only hand set to 12. At the start of each of the weaver’s turns, the clock’s hand ticks forward one number. When the clock completes a full rotation and returns to 12, all time throughout the multiverse stops for 1 minute. If the weaver chooses to be immune to this effect, it cannot be affected by anything other than itself and can affect other creatures and objects as normal. All other creatures are considered incapacitated (even if they would ordinarily be immune to the condition), automatically fail saving throws, and cannot take actions or produce effects of any kind. Once the weaver has used this feature, it cannot use it again for 1 year. MYTHIC ACTIONS On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), the weaver takes a mythic action to cause one of the following effects. The weaver can use the same effect multiple rounds in a row. Embrace Eternity. The weaver forces each creature of its choice within 300 feet of it to attempt a DC 31 Constitution saving throw. A creature loses 110 (20d10) hit points on a failure, or half as much on a success. A creature immune to the effects of aging automatically succeeds on this saving throw. Stricken across Time. The weaver chooses a single creature it can see and forces it to attempt a DC 31 Charisma saving throw. On a failure, the creature is thrown backward, forward, and sideways through time as it is banished from the current moment of space and time. A banished creature’s speed is 0, and it cannot take actions. At the start of each of its turns, the creature reappears in the space it vacated or in the nearest unoccupied space if that space is occupied and takes 135 (30d8) psychic damage. At the end of each of its turns, the creature must succeed on a DC 31 Charisma saving throw or be banished again across space and time, repeating the effects on its subsequent turns. This cycle continues until the affected creature succeeds on the Charisma saving throw, ending the effect. ACTIONS Multiattack. The weaver makes a single attack and takes one other action, or it makes three attacks. Touch of Eons. Melee or Ranged Spell Attack: +23 to hit, reach 5 ft. or range 300 ft., one target. Hit: The target loses 84 (16d8 + 12) hit points. A creature immune to the effects of aging loses half that number of hit points instead. Alien Mind. The weaver automatically succeeds on Constitution saving throws to maintain concentration on its spells. Innate Spellcasting. The weaver’s innate spellcasting ability is Intelligence (spell save DC 31, +23 to hit with spell attacks). It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no components: At will: dimension door, planeshift 2/day each (tier 3): determinism, temporal stasis Slow Field. The weaver creates an area of slow time in a cube up to 30 feet on each side. Creatures inside cannot take bonus actions or reactions, and their speed is halved. The area lasts until the weaver finishes a short or long rest, or until it is slain. Temporal Anchor (Recharge 5–6). The weaver marks the current moment in time, and the DM records its statistics and hit points at that moment. Until the end of its next turn, the weaver can take a reaction at any time to return itself to the state it was in the moment it took this action (including the count of its Final Countdown feature). Time Skip. The weaver targets a single creature, object, or magical effect within 300 feet of it. The target must succeed on a DC 31 Wisdom saving throw or time warps forward at great speed around the target. If the target is under one or more effects with a duration, the duration of those effects is reduced to 1 round. REACTIONS Out of Time. Immediately after a creature the weaver can see takes an action on its turn, the weaver can use its reaction to immediately end that creature’s turn. LEGENDARY ACTIONS The weaver can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature’s turn. The weaver regains spent legendary actions at the start of its turn. Readiness. Until the start of its next turn, the weaver gains an extra reaction. Temporal Recovery. The weaver rolls to recharge its Temporal Anchor action. Touch of Eons. The weaver makes a Touch of Eons attack. Cast an Epic Spell (Costs 2 Actions). The weaver casts determinism or temporal stasis. Ravages of Time (Costs 2 Actions). The weaver targets a single creature it can see with a dread Epic curse. The target must succeed on a DC 31 Wisdom saving throw or it cannot be immune to the effects of aging and can die of old age. When a creature cursed in this manner ages 1 year or longer, it can repeat this saving throw, ending the effect on a success. Chapter 8: Mythic Creatures EPIC LEGACY HERO’S HANDBOOK 39

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