Ledger-Enquirer from Columbus, Georgia (2024)

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The Columbus Ga Enquirer Wednesday May 8 1985 5 'orever 197th in California for Desert Raider An Analysis By Paul Timm Military Analyst ORT IRWIN Calif Even with some troops left behind to cover its contingency mission the 197th remains the largest infantry brigade as it picks up active duty reserve and National Guard units for Desert Raider II rom ort Benning are trans portation and maintenance sup plements from the 36th Engineer or the Record Group Company of the 43rd Engineers which will provide a platoon to the 197th and two pla toons to the OPOR (opposing forces which have in the past been called the Aggressors or the Red) an attack helicopter troop with its Cobra gunships from ort Rucker Ala an air defense battery with Chaparrals and Vul cans from ort Bliss Tex elec tronic military intelligence units from Bliss and ort Hood Texas a chemical smoke Na tional Guard unit from South Carolina and a tactical air wing control detachment All of the assigned Kelly Hill units are here but selected su bordinate units were left at ort Benning to cover the con tingency mission In all Col James Musselman has more than 3100 soldiers in the desert The 197th with its several at tachments was at ort Irwin Tuesday ready to take on the OPOR The last troops flew here Sun day night and the 197th was due to attack under Tuesday full moon or early today over this 1000 square mile test of man and metal Much of the value from Desert Raider II will be shaking bad habits that may have been picked up during REORGER when a January thaw kept the 197th roadbound At times it would seem appro priate for the 197th to change its motto from to The 197th was the first unit to test a concept pioneered at the Indictments Russell County A partial list of persons indicted last week by the Russell County grand jury Kevin rank Adams 21 Rt 6 Box 16 Phenix City selling cocaine eb 1 Kenneth Earl Brown 42 1409 Third Place South Phenix City possessing marijuana Nov 16 John Willie Brown 41 102 rederick Douglass Apartments Phenix City sec ond degree theft of an electric fan from Skinner urniture Sept 1 Alan Roy Clark 31 A Coweta Apart ments Phenix City selling cocaine Jan 7 Perry Jordan Clay Sr 24 1617 12th Place Phenix City third degree bur glary of Southern Rentals US 280 By pass Phenix City eb 7 Gregory Denard 27 Rt 5 Box 2096 Phenix City possessing phencyclidine hydrochloride Sept 22 Jesse James Giddeon 25 Hurtsboro Alo second degree assault by hitting Rickey Henry with a piece of plastic pipe eb 26 Walter Gilliam 42 Salem Ala attempted murder by shooting Donald Miller 1020 12th Ave Phenix City Jan 2 James Daniel Gilliland 25 Opelika Ala first degree sodomy of a Phenix City woman and first degree sodomy of a Phenix City man Timothy Manuel Haywood 23 Rt 1 Box 1057 Phenix City possessing mari juana Jan 11 Bobby Gene Herring 31 Apt 9 Hawthorne Apartments Phenix City two counts of selling marijuana eb 4 and 28 Dennis Jackson 21 1022 Third St South Phenix City selling marijuana Jan 27 Willie Lee James 40 Box 306 ort Mitchell Ala first degree sodomy of a ort Mitchell woman eb 13 first degree receiving stolen property a rifle and a microwave oven belonging to Michael Medlock Jan 15 Billy Shumate 38 Rt 1 Box 159 Phenix City third degree burglary for entering the building of Richard Petty Jan 11 Laverne Emmette Sutton 21 1900 28tr Ave Phenix City third degree burglary of Central Baptist Church March 5 James Williams 31 Rt 4 Box 1116 Phenix City possessing amobarbital se cobarbital ond marijuana and first de gree theft of stereo equipment belonging to Elizabeth erguson 1508 21st Place Phenix City eb 3 Michael Williams 29 Midway Ala second degree assault of Quinton Bras well of Hurtsboro by striking him with his fist March 2 RT Williams 40 Hurtsboro Ala first degree assault by shooting at Gloria elson of Hurtsboro March 1 Muscogee County The Muscogee County grand jury Tues day indicted these persons for the allega tions indicated: Eddie Lamar Allgood 24 427 49th St Columbus selling marijuana April 10 Joseph Lee Dudley 23 2 Coweta Apartments Phenix City theft by receiv ing stolen property stereo equipment val ued at SI 925 from Judy Hudgins Jan 25 Eugene Phillip lint 49 Apt 1 2909 Ninth St Columbus theft by receiving stolen property $940 in jewelry and crim inal use of articles with altered identifica tion marks two stereo speakers Jan 4 Evert rye 63 3919 12 Third Ave and Billana Darlene Sydnes 30 Apt 3215 ifth Ave Columbus first degree forg ery for signing Solen Dixon's name to a $35727 US Treasury check April 10 Ms Sydnes was indicted on six additional counts of first degree forgery for signing Peter Demery's name to checks totaling $110 eb 9 14 Earl Tony Green 26 659 lllges Road Columbus selling marijuana Dec 16 Debra Kay Hinton 28 and Emeradge Hinton 40 both of Apt 7 543 Third Ave Columbus possessing a controlled substance (cocaine) Aprils Jimmy Hughes 35 2706 10th St Co lumbus impersonating an officer a ul ton County police officer to Columbus Policeman Raymond Ogier April 6 Paul Joseph Koehle Jr 26 a ort Benning soldier Columbus driving under the influence of intoxicants March 10 Benito Lewis 18 1423 Winshire St Columbus burglary of the house of Karen Brown 4545 Graydon Court April 15 rankie Lee Lewis 29 912 Winston Road Columbus possessing a controlled substance (cocaine) and possessing mari juana with the intent to distribute March 22 Melvin Long 28 405 Columbia Drive Columbus burglary of the house of lora Lyles 4950 Dorado Circle April 9 Ramon Lozada 29 730 Davis Circle Columbus possessing marijuana eb 16 Richard Orlando Martinez 19 a ort Benning soldier Columbus burglary of a LaQuinta Motor Inn room rented by Gary King and theft of $4500 automobile rented by King April 7 Jacqueline Myers 42 4037 Norwood Drive Columbus four counts of sec ond degree forgery for signing Dr Lyle A Norwood's name to a prescription for Tylenol IV and for signing Dr Stephen Hunter's name to three prescriptions for Valium and for Demerol March 15 She also was indicted for two counts of pos sessing a controlled substance (diazepam and codeine with acetaminophen) March 15 Dylan Perkins 24 Apt 801 511 irst Ave Columbus conversion of leased personal property a $350 video cassette player and two tapes valued at $15990 from Columbus Tape and Video Dec 2 Anthony Simpson 25 and Donnie Simpson 24 both of Apt 2608 Dawson St Columbus possessing marijuana March 6 Edward Gene Travis 22 Apt 14 3909 Baker Plaza Drive Columbus five counts of burglary: West Building Supply 450 Brown Ave on Jan 18 Harmon Motor Co 1502 Box Circle on Jan 22 Stereo World 3305 Victory Drive on Jan 26 Captain D's restaurant 1841 Wynnton Road on eb 5 and Rings of Time 3551 Macon Road on April 5 National Training Center here in 1981 This year the first to test a new training phase one that lasts 20 days instead of the 14 days that all other units here have undergone The rotational test period prac ticed here in first four years consisted of two free ma neuver phases and a live fire phase 14 days the With pre maneuver preparations and the inevitable turn in period a unit could be at ort Irwin about 20 days The expanded rotation being tried by the 197th provides four days to be used at the com discretion Another first awaits the bri gade here In the past only parti cipating battalions were evalu ated Brigade headquarters played a large part of course but was not evaluated except in ternally This year brigade head quarters operations will be evalu ated during the opening attack phase of the 25 days There seems no question that some changes will have to be made to provide proper testing for Guard and Reserve units Even with the 14 day schedule the stretch out time is at least 20 days and nearly a week more than many employers give reservists and guardsmen That is why the smoke generator com pany from South Carolina will not be joining the 197th for another week and will participate only in the defensive phase of Desert Raider II not fair to the units which in many cases round out active duty divisions like the soon to be 10th Mountain Division at ort Drum and ort Benning Its round out brigade probably from New England will be denied the advantages of this type of train ing almost a sure bet that there will be pressure on employers to add an extra week for their em ployees who devote time off to honing military skills PLAY DAILY AND WIN YOUR SHARE Ol UP TO $1 0000 IN CASH PRIZES IN THIS POPULAR NIW LEDGER ENQUIRER GAME! Michael Jeter 22 Rt 5 Box 890 Phenix City selling marijuana eb 26 Johnny Allen Lanier Jr 23 42292 South )5th Ave Phenix City possessing mari juana eb 1 Barbara Ligon 106 16th Ave Phenix City third degree burglary of the building of Margaret A King 1506 irst Place PhenixCitv Dec 7 Michael Lee Munday 24 600 Seventh St Phenix City rape and first degree sodomy of a Phenix City woman May 5 1984 Paul Craig Padgett 37 3416 Winder mere St Columbus possessing cocaine eb 23 Robert Perkins 28 202 21st St Phenix City selling marijuana April 10 Paul Gordon Plott Jr 29 1301 20th St Columbus attempted murder bv shooting David Bell 1204 Riverview Apart ments Dec 29 Vendeck Price Jr 38 Montgomery Ala selling Dilaudid Jan 6 Robert James Rotkowski 25 2729 ern wood Ave Columbus possessing mari juana eb 23 Ronald Shows 38 510 25th St Phenix City trafficking marijuana and Indictments Refused The Muscogee County grand iury Tues day refused to indict these persons for the allegationsindicated: Edward Charles Bates 39 and James Edward Conley 34 2954 Gleason Ave Columbus burglary of Saben Appliances 1514 Box Road April 7 Carl Edward Crowder 28 3127 Moore house St Ramon Lozada 29 730 Davis Circle and Andrew Williams 30 952 lllges Road all of Columbus possessing a controlled substance (cocaine) eb 16 The grand iury also refused to indict Crowder and Williams for possessing marijuana eb 16 Paul Joseph Keohle Jr 26 a ort Benning soldier criminal damage to property in the second degree for damag ing a police scanner and the taillight of Scott Pooler's automobile and simple battery for kicking Pooler with his foot March 10 Arthur Lee Thurman 36 224 Seventh Ave Columbus aggravated assault for cutting Wilbur Thomas with a knife April 3 Emmett Lamar Williams 26 2617 Daw son St Columbus criminal damage to property in the second degree for break ing the windshield of Patricia Cooley's automobile doing $25885 in damage Sept 15 Residential Burglaries Residential burglaries in Columbus and Phenix City with oddress resident date items missing value of items and point of entry: Columbus 1417 41st St Joseph Daren Wills April 28 video cassette recorder $599 south window 3611 Wade St Mark Wilson April 28 heater $99 radio $103 television $599 rear window 7048 Widgeon Drive William Huff April 28 cash $63 kitchen window 410 Wilson Homes Julia Williams April 29 television $140 south door 988 arr Road Lot 20 Tim Evens April 29 necklace $150 south door 934 Cooper Ave John Reeves April 29 gem stone $20 diamond $400 two neck laces $275 bracelet $300 ring $150 kitchendoor 913 Pembrook Drive Henry Amen May 1 television $200 southwest door 800 Harbison Drive Aaron Jones May 1 38 caliber pistol $104 telephone $45 necklace $45 two rings $60 west win dow 201 Thornton Drive Octavia Hickmon May 1 25 catiber pistol $60 cash $80 frontwindow 204 A Baker Village Peggy Hicks May 3 stereo component set $300 two speak ers $100 frontdoor 822 Benning Drive Edwin Doucet May stereo $1200 eight track player $75 frontdoor 2301 Bell St Noella Guess May 3 television $500 front door 4813 Sequoia Drive Terry Jones Mav 3 assorted golf clubs $390 umbrella $15 storage room 2800 Third Ave Elio Mae Austin Mav 4 lamp $50 south door 1048 Winston Road Jesse Carter May 4 cash $203 kitchen window 513 35th St Gerald Breedlove Mav 5 stereo $50 two speakers $100 west window 306 Wilson Homes Gwendolyn Cole man May television $90 stereo com ponent set $399 two speakers value unknown frontdoor 5210 Hurst Drive James Kelly May 6 film projector $150 410 gauge shotgun $50 entry unknown Phenix City 1106 Eighth Place Lillie May Rich mond Mav 2 radio $30 frontdoor The best in 1983 1984 And now 1985 Passengers from all over the nation chose Delta as the best airline in a national Travel Holiday Magazine Poll Thanks to 36000 professionals Delta was selected as the best in personal service The best and most efficient in baggage handling The best in in flight food service And best of all the best in convenience In addition Delta had the fewest complaints per 100000 pas sengers boarded of any major air line in 1984 according to government records profes sionals have held this position for eleven years in a row So count on the Delta profes sionals the next time you fly They just keep out doing themselves light after flight Getting you there in comfort and style And always with a smile Passenger Service Agent Mike Maddox is a Delta professional TRAVEL HOLIDAY READERS SELECT DELTA NUMBER 1 iniKU IILrMV INAROWM I Jk fff Ti DELTA GETS YOU THERE Us or All Your Travel YOUR DELTA AIR LINES HEADQUARTERS TRAVEL WORLD CROSS COUNTRY PLAZA 563 8687 Uh Columbus Travel Bureau 303 1 2th Street gUj Columbus Go 31902 or reservations on DELTA Call Your riendly Travel Profewonali At 323 6471 ALABAMA TOLL REE 1 800 211 8987 get going! No Winner Last Week for Game This week's prize (Game 4) is worth $1500! None of our BING GO players saw all of their numbers needed to win Game 3 last week The people with the winning cards evidently didn't play but that good news for you! Last week's $750 prize has been added to this week's $750 prize and you're now playing for $1500 this week in Game No Look in the Ledger Enquirer every day for your winning numbers Daily Lucky Number Winners Hugh Gordy Carolann Cummings Paul Kauffman Hattie Boyett Rick Crosby George Washington THIS WEEK WE ARE PLAYING GAME 4 Today's BING GO Numbers are: 55 79 1 88 13 33 41 58 72 Circle any of the above numbers on your card I THEY APPEAR IN GAME 4 Different numbers will run every day in The Ledger Enquirer If you match all 15 numbers in GAME 4 on your card to those running in the paper this week BINGO GO YOU WIN! There's a $750 prize each week THIS WEEK'S PRIZE IS WORTH $1500! Today's personal LUCKY NUMBERS are: 00205066 00188544 00181225 00165125 00214262 If the lucky number in the upper right hand corner of your game card matches any one of these 5 numbers you are an automatic winner of a $10 cash prize Keep your GAME CARD It's good for 15 weeks! A new BING GO game begins every Monday and runs through the following Sunday You have 7 days to match all 15 numbers for that particular week's game You must match the BING GO numbers printed in the Ledger Enquirer with the numbers on your BING GO card for that week's game only LUCKY NUMBERS Several personal Lucky Numbers appear in the daily BING GO ads Match any of these lucky numbers to the lucky number in the upper right hand corner of your game card and you win a $10 cash prize BING GO HOTLINE 323 1 234 lf you are a winner or have questions about the game call this number Call this same number to subscribe for home delivery of the Ledger or Enquirer COMPLETE RULES AND DIRECTIONS ARE ON BACK THE GAME CARD Winning numbers run daily Don't miss yours! Call 323 1234 for home delivery THE COLUMBUS LEDGER.

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Author: Barbera Armstrong

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Name: Barbera Armstrong

Birthday: 1992-09-12

Address: Suite 993 99852 Daugherty Causeway, Ritchiehaven, VT 49630

Phone: +5026838435397

Job: National Engineer

Hobby: Listening to music, Board games, Photography, Ice skating, LARPing, Kite flying, Rugby

Introduction: My name is Barbera Armstrong, I am a lovely, delightful, cooperative, funny, enchanting, vivacious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.