Morning Pioneer from Mandan, North Dakota (2024)

MANDAN DAILY PIONEER TUESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1928 PAGE SEVEN AID OF DISABLED VETERANS CHIEF CARE OF LEGION STATE COMMANDER J. K. KENNELLY BACK FROM LEGION CONFERENCE John K. Kennelly, state commander of the American Legion, returned today from Indianapolis where with State Adjutant Jack Williams, Fargo, he attended the conference of department commanders and adjutants called by National Commander Paul V. Mcnu*tt.

Forty-eight state departments, and six foreign or territorial departments were represented at the national meeting. Department commanders and adjutants of the American Legion from France, Italy, Canada, Alaska, Mexico and Hawaii were present. "The conference was concerned chiefly with the five fold national program of the American Legion. The five branches of activity into which the American Legion will throw all its efforts are those of aiding the disabled veterans of the World War, of child welfare work, of Americanization, of giving the Legion's full supand port of to the the Navy Universal building draft," program, stated Commander Kennelly. All efforts will be made by the American Legion to gain further legislation for disabled veterans, to promote hospitalization and vocational educational work and to give the disabled veteran every advantage possible." The child welfare work will deal largely with the care of orphaned children whose parents served their country in war and who died in such service or since that time.

Education will be stressed and legislation in child welfare work encouraged. The program of promoting Americanism will include all methods of teaching that go to make better citizens and to instill principles of Americanism in every man, woman and child. The full Legion support of the present navy building program is one in accord with the American Legion's general policy of keeping America a war free nation. The universal draft is one of the American Legion's chief planks in the advocating of a strong defense, said Commander Kennelly. State Commander Kennelly and Adjutant Williams also attended the International Livestock Show and the National Air Show which were in pr-0 gress in Chicago last week.

CARS DAMAGED IN COLLISIONS OVER WEEK -END Two car accidents occurred in the city over the week end. The Chev rolet car of Harold Nelson was damaged, with no occupants being hurt, when Nelson drove into the open sewer main at Fourth Street, S. Saturday night. A broken right front wheel and fender and other minor damages resulted. The cars of Michael Barron of the U.

S. Great Plains field station, and of Lee Chadwick, Breien, collided at 2:30 p. m. Sunday on Main street and Third avenue N. W.

Barron was bound east and Chadwick was going west on Main street. The latter in turning to the left, struck the left front wheel and fender of Barron's car. Damage to the wheels and fenders of both cars resulted. MORTON COUNTY BOYS AND GIRLS LEAVE FOR FARGO R. C.

Newcomer, Morton county agent, with 12 Morton county club girls and boys left this noon for Fargo to attend the annual State Club Institute at the North Dakota Agricultural College. The Institute opens tomorrow at the college and continues until Saturday. More than 300 club members from all parts of the state will be present. Mrs. William Schmidt of Hebron and Mr.

Newcomer are to be in charge of the Morton county delegation. The Junior 4H Club members attending the meet are: Clarence and Erwin Klusmann, Youngtown, who hold the state championship in agricultural demonstration work; Elmer Holle, Irvin Holle, Youngtown; Elmer Harris, Sweet Briar; John Sailer, Hebron; Eugene Hansen, Almont; Elfrieda Braun, Caroline Geng, Clara Rehm, Hebron; Barstad and Dagmar Pederson, Alice, Almont. Those making the trip have been outstanding in club work during the current year. HORSES YIELD Danville, (AP)- city has given way completely before the adof the motorized age. Its last vance horse trough, which had stood for 50 years, was recently removed.

A DING DA in a LAMPS LOCALS CHILD BADLY INJURED Ethel, ten year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Taylor eight miles south of Mandan, suffered a severe injury to her right hand Saturday afternoon when it was caught in an ensilage cutter at her farm home. Three of her fingers were broken and the skin badly torn and lacerated in the accident. The child was taken to the Mandan Deaconess hospital Saturday night where she is doing as well as possible.

ARMY BOARD MEETS of the Salvation Army adMembers visory board will meet at 6 m. top. at the Salvation Army hall. night A dinner will be served the Army board members and Army officers by the ladies of the Home League. Maj.

A. B. Welch, chairman board, will preside at" thee advisory meeting. Plans will be discussed at that time for Christmas relief work. Do you know that on Monday, the 10th, your November purchases will become delinquent? Mandan-Bismarck Credit Bureau.

Adv. DIRECTORS TO ASSEMBLE Directors of the Mandan Chamber of Commerce will meet at 6:15 o'clock tonight for their regular dinner and meeting. Prospects of obtaining street Christmas decoration and other business matters will be brought up. COMMANDERY MEETS TONIGHT Members of the Coeur de Lion Commandery No. 15, Knights Templar will meet at 7:30 o'clock tonight at the Masonic Temple to elect officers, 1 3 freshments will be served.

ELKS MEET will be a regular meeting of the Mandan Elks No. 1256 at 8 o'clock tonight at the Elks hall. REBEKAHS INITIATE 'The Mandan lodge of Rebekahs will meet at 7:30 0 o'clock tonight at the K. P. hall.

services will be held for six candidates. After the initiation and business meeting, refreshments are to be served. Order Niger Head Zap Lignite. We handle the best only. Red Trail Oil Company.

Phone 140. 9-22-tf HOSPITAL NOTES Patients admitted to the Mandan Deaconess hospital Sunday for medical treatment were: Mrs. Andrew Pitzer; Helen Duerr, St. Anthony; Francis LaDuke, Fort Rice; and Ernest Dunweber. Mrs.

Ed Hosek and baby daughter of Center left the Mandan Deaconess hospital Sunday to return to their home. R. A. MASONS TO MEET There will be a special convocation of Missouri Chapter No. 1, Royal Arch Masons at 7:30 o'clock Wednesday night at the Masonic temple.

Election of officers will be held at that time. Refreshments are to be served. MISSIONARY SOCIETY The Presbyterian Missionary Society will meet at 2:30 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. B. D.

Rowley. ELECT OFFICERS The Ladies Auxiliary of the B. of R. T. will elect officers at the regular meeting to be held Tuesday evening at 8 o'clock in the Knights of Pythias Hall.

Following the meeting refreshments will be served. Do you know that on Monday, the 10th, your November purchases will become delinquent? Mandan Credit Bureau. Adv. FORTNIGHTLY CLUB The Fortnightly Club meets Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. Two papers will be given, a review of Thornton Wilder's "The Bridge of San Luis Rey" by Mrs.

Charles F. Ellis, and a review by Mrs. Robert Wilson of "The Intelligent Guide to Socialism and Capitalism" by Bernard Shaw. SURPRISE PARTY Friday evening, Mr. and Mrs.

co*ker were surprised by a company of friends at their home. Cards and dancing were enjoyed during the evening, the honors at cards being won by Mrs. Walson and Mr. A. J.

NO P. T. MEETING Because of the prevalency of illness, there will be no meeting of the Parent-Teachers association this evening, Mrs. George H. Spielman, president, announced.

RETURN FROM MONT. Mr. and Mrs. H. L.

Henke have returned from Bridger, where they spent the past month visiting their daughter, Mrs. C. A. See. FROM Ole Aune of Regan was a business caller in Mandan today.

RECKLESS DRIVER FINED Alex John, of Youngtown, was fined $5 and costs in justice court today by Police Magistrate James E. Campbell. John was charged with reckless driving. On November 28, he collided with a car driven by Charles I. Donahue, Bismarck on Trail No.

10 fourteen miles west of Mandan. A frosted windshield obscured John's vision in driv- ing. ADDRESSES STUDENTS Rev. Charles R. Miller, field secretary of Huron college, Huron, S.

addressed students in the senior high school this afternoon at 1:30 p. m. Rev. Miller, who is in Mandan on college business, spoke upon the imof a general college educaportance tion. He stressed particularly the opportunities for education boys as and compared girls today to the to opportunities of earlier times.

meager Keen competition requires that the man and woman be a college young trained individual today, said Reverend Miller. Nearly everybody rung on rubber, the rubber mileage naturally and stretches. ELEVEN KILLED ON DEATH RANCH, NORTHCOTT SAYS 3.8 tilla Alum DAres The Branch at el- 2- 1928 Ar sell A clind stunt Norther will Plead audits to Revisido Commits 8 Eleven persons, mostly small boys, have been murdered on the farm of Gordon Stewart Northcott, near Riverside, according to Northcott's latest confession to police of Los Angeles, where he was taken after being apprehended in Canada. Photo shows confession, left, signed by Northcott, admitting one of the murders, with his promise to plead guilty. However, the accused youth plead not guilty on his appearance in court.

Inset shows Judge O. K. Morton, of the Riverside superior court, who presides at the trial. At right, Northcott in court entering his plea of not guilty. TROOPS DISPERSE STRIKERS-15 REPORTED KILLED TROUBLE IN FRUIT REGION IN COLOMBIA BELIEVED SOON SETTLED Bogota, Colombia, the Dec.

10. Magdalena (AP)- re- Telegrams from gion, where fruit workers are on strike, state that government troops have dispersed the rebellious ele ments. Nine battalions of soldiers were operating region. Government forces surprised a large body of strikers burning and near Sevilla and repulsed pillaging, The strikers fled and left behind a number of dead and wounded. There were unconfirmed reports that Raul Macheca, a socialist and leader of the strikers, was killed in the combat.

Later a large body of reinforceI ments, armed with revolvers and ma chets, came to the aid of the strikers and the troops were reported to have killed 15 in another battle. A telegram from Santa Marta said that the rebellious elements were fleeing before the government troops, and pillaging and plundering as they went. -Twelve strikers were reported to have killed in one combat. The soldiers captured 400 pounds of dynamite, fuses and a great quantity of arms. Railway service to Rio Frio has been re-established and telegraph service to Ciunega reopened.

The socialist directorate in Bogota offered the ministry of industry to send two delegates to their region to try to effect a solution of the difficulty. It was thought unlikely, however, that the offer would be accepted. HOLDEN RESIGNS AS PRESIDENT OF C. B. Q.

LINES New York, Dec. 10. (AP) Hale Holden today formally tendered his resignation as president and chairman of the executive committee of the Chicago, Burlington Quincy line, effective January 1. He is to become chairman of the executive committee of the Southern Pacific. F.

E. Williamson, executive vicepresident of Burlington and Colorado Southern railway, was advanced to the position of president. Mr. Williamson also was named chairman of the executive committee. Mr.

Holden said prospects appeared favorable for the first of the year. He said total operating revenues for 1928 were about 163,500,000 compared with $156,320,454 in 1927. Mrs. Clara Heater Called By Death Mr. and Mrs.

John R. Heater were called to Missoula, last night by the death there early Sunday morning of Mr. Heater's mother, Mrs. Clara Heater. Mrs.

Heater, aged 79, had been ailing for some time and death was due in part to advanced age. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Surviving her are her son, John R. Heater, Mandan, and daughter, Mrs. Ann Neil of Spokane, Wash.

Mrs. Heater had made her home with her son here for several years following the death of her husband twenty years ago. Young Flyer Crashes -Burned To Death Hicksville, N. Dec. 10.

(AP). Martin Von Voorhis of Canton, Ohio, a student flier at Curtiss field, crashed on his second solo flight today and was burned to death in the wreckage of his plane. ANOTHER FATALITY IN MINNEAPOLIS FROM AUTO TRAFFIC Minneapolis, Dec. 10. John Erickson, 82 years old, who was knocked down by an automobiie last, Friday, died today.

Erickson's death brings the traffic death toll to 82 for 1928 in Minneapolis. JUST A "COUPLE OF BUMS" BUT THEY RISKED OWN LIVES TO SAVE HELPLESS COMRADE Chicago, Dec. 10. (AP). -Sometimes heroes are, as in the case of the Reliance Hotel fire yesterday, just couple of bums." The Reliance is one of those South State Street hostelries which the flotsam of the city calls "flop houses." Smoke billowed through the hotel when nearly 200 "guests" were in their rooms.

There was a stampede for the street. Many men were roughed and a bruised, but all got out safely: all but three. Two of those who remained, choking on the smoke, could easily have gone out with the others. They elected, however to remain to help the third. This third man was Peter Recter, 54 CLUB BOY AND GIRLS GATHER IN FARGO TODAY Fargo, N.

Dec. 10 (AP) -North Dakota 4-H Club boys and girls were gathering in Fargo today for their annal Achievement Institute, brimming over with enthusiastic interest in the event which will open Tuesday, and showing special interest in the big livestock show and sale which will again be a big feature of the institute. At a conference of members of the agricultural committee of the Fargo Chamber of Commerce today, committees were named to solicit the business houses of Fargo for the purpose urging a large representation of businessmen to attend the annual sale of livestock. The sale will be held Thursday, at 9 A. M.

with 58 animals the pick from the flocks and herds of the junior boys and girls livestock clubs of the state to be offered for sale. H. L. Finke of Minot and Frank Hyland of Devils Lake livestock auctioneers, will donate their services at this sale, and C. F.

Monroe, director of the extension division of the college will act as clerk. NEW AIR MAIL AND PASSENGER LINE IS OPENED Minneapolis, Dec. 10. of a new air mail and passenger line between Milwaukee and Green Bay, by the Northwest Airways, was announced today by Charles Holman, general manager. Six planes will make the inaugural flight Saturday over the new route, including four passenger ships which will be used on the regular schedule.

Holman also announced today the appointment of Martin Kelly, former newspaper man, as traffic and advertising manager for the Northwest Airways. N. P. TO MOVE INTO FARGO FROM DILWORTH Fargo, N. Dec.

10. The Northern Pacific railway will move its general offices for this division from Dilworth to a new building now nearing completion, in Fargo, either Dec. 23 or 30 railroad officials announced today. years old, who was trapped on the third floor. Hemmed in by the flames, which were lapping at the coverlets of his bed, his cries were heard by the other two.

Turning back, these two fought through the blinding smoke, and with their bare hands beat out the flames which arleady were licking at Recter's flesh. Choking and beating out the fire which had spread to their own meagre rags, the two carried Rector to the street, loaded him into a waiting ambulance, and then shambled away down the street. No one got their names; no one inquired. They were just "a couple of bums." HEIR TO REYNOLDS' TOBACCO MILLIONS STORM VICTIM Norwalk, Dec. 10.

ton W. Reynolds, 36, scion of the wealthy family identified with the tobacco trade, lost his life Saturday while returning in a skiff from a duck hunting trip. Herbert Preston, his unclein-law, met a similar fate. Alton W. Reynolds, is suffering from exposure at the hospital after his rescue four hours later from the overturned boat.

Reynolds' body was found 150 feet from Peach Island where he attempted to swim after the boat capsized during a storm. The 13 year old boy, with his body frozen from the waist down, was found clinging to the boat. Preston's body has not been found. While a youth Reynolds was student at an exclusive school here and eloped with Miss Hazel Blasier, a railroad employe's daughter. Reynolds was subsequently disinherited.

He then became an electrician building up his own business. Later relations between Reynolds and his family were restored. DULUTH BANKER FOILS ROBBERPOLICEMAN SHOT Duluth, Dec. 10. unsuccessful attempt was made to hold up and rob the First National Bank in the heart of the down town district shortly before 3 p.

m. today by Axel Baeitella, who was captured by a director of the bank after he had shot Patrolman Edward S. Ryan. The man was attacked by a large crowd and severely beaten. He is being held at the city jail.

A quantity of dynamite was found in possession of Baeitella. The bandit entered the bank and went to the cashier's cage, handing him a note in which he demanded 000. The cashier, W. W. Wells, directed Baeitella toward the vault.

George P. Tweed, a director of the bank, was a witness to the attempted holdup and rushed outside the bank to summon a policeman. When Patrolman Ryan entered the bank the bandit immediately opened fire, two bullets striking the officer in the chest. At the hospital where: he was taken it was said Ryan's condition was critical. U.

OF MISSOURI IS CLOSED FLU CAUSES ACTION Columbia, Dec. 10. Because of the prevalence of influenza the University of Missouri was closed today until January 3. Dr. Stratton D.

Brooks, president announced all activities would be suspended at 4 p. m. The 100 beds in the University hospital and twenty extra cots filled and a number of students were reported ill at fraternity and sorority houses. A few cases have reported in the city. There have been no been deaths.

JOHN J. RASKOB RETAINS HIS FAITH IN DEM. PARTY Rochester, Dec. 10 (AP)- John J. Raskob, chairman of the Democratic national committee, in Rochester today for a general phy.

sical examination expressed his faith in "both the Democratic party and the stock market." Concerning his "party," Mr. Raskob assured reporters the Democrats would be "quite alive" in 1932. The heavy slump on the New York stock exchange last week will benefit business through the "return to nor. malcy," he prophesied. He voiced his belief that the present congress would fail to adopt a farm relief program.

MURDERER OF THREE GIVES UP TO AUTHORITIES Vanburen, Dec. 10. (AP)William Howell, sought as the slayer of three persons at the Crawford county hospital, surrendered today after having been wounded in an exchange of shots with a sheriff's posse. Officers said a charge of murder would be filed. His wounds were said not to be serious.

Chicago Iowa won 71 titles at International Livestock Exposition leading other states by wide margin. Minnesota won 14, South Dakota and North Dakota one each. McDonald CAFE Dinner 40c Our Dinner Special Tomorrow: Julienne Soup Grilled Haddock, Lemon Butter Salmon Rolls In Cream Sauce Beef Stew with Vegetables Breaded Veal Steak a la Mode Baked Hawaiian Ham, Hotel de Maltre Sauce Prime Rib Roast of Beef, Brown Gravy Roast Baby Pork, Apple Sauce Peas in Cream. Mashed Squash Chateay, Vanilla au Tait Sauce Pudding CHARLES MORGAN, Chef SEEK TO PREVENT R. G.

McFARLAND TAKING OFFICE Jamestown, N. Dec. 10. to prevent R. G.

McFarland, Jamestown, from taking office next January as judge of the fourth judicial district have been filed before Judge Pugh in the Burleigh county district court, according to information received here today. The case is scheduled for hearing at Bismarck December 15. J. A. Coffey, Jamestown incumbent, defeated by McFarland at the last election, is the plaintiff.

In the action, he charges McFarland with violating the corrupt practices act in the last election and presents several specifications in connection with the charge. In his petition, Judge Coffey specifically requests that the governor and the secretary of state be enjoined from issuing a certificate of election to MeFarland. McFarland said he already has received this certificate. BARNES AUDITOR ARRESTED FOR BALLOT FRAUD Valley City, N. Dec.

10. W. Nelson, county auditor of Barnes county and one of the oldest county auditors in point of service in the state, was arrested here this morning on a charge of tampering with an absent voters ballot in the general election this fall. The complaint was signed by Gilbert Berg, Nome. Nelson pleaded not guilty when arraigned before Judge R.

J. McDonald and demanded a jury trial. Friday, Dec. 14, was set as the date for the trial. Berg announced that he had employed P.

W. Lanier, Jamestown, as special prosecuting council to replace States Attorney, A. P. Paulson in prosecuting the case. Blackburne Signs Contract With Sox Chicago, Dec.

10 (AP)- Russell "Lena" Blackburne, manager of the White Sox since July 4, today signed a one contract to pilot the Chicago club next year. Blackburne's signing contradicts the rumors that he would not be at the helm of the White Sox, when the 1929 season opened. Sheaffer's and Conklin Fountain Pens at $2.75, $3.00, $5.00, $7.50, $8.75 to $10.00. Sheaffer's Desk Sets at $8.00 to $17.00. MERRY XMAS it is coming fast and now is the time to select your Xmas Greeting Cards.

Here you will find a large assortment of Plain Greeting Cards and Folders with suitable verses for every requirement. 5c, 10c, 15c, 25c and 35c Xmas Gift Dressings Seals 10c, Tags 10c, Labels 10c, Tinsel Cord 10c, Ribbon 10c, Tinsel 10c, 20c to 35c, White, and Green Ribbon, Tissue Paper. Decorated Tissue Paper 25c per roll. Dennison's Crepe Paper 15c per roll. Brick Design Crepe Paper 25c per roll.

Chenille Poinsettias 10c and 25c. Mandan Drug Co. Olaf V. Lindelow, Mgr. Phone 22 Mandan, North Dakota Magazines-Whitman's Candies-Spalding Sporting Goods SELECT DESIGN FOR COMPLETION SOLDIERS TOMB Washington, Dec.

1 (AP) -The design submitted by Thomas Hudson Jones, sculptor and Orimer Rich, architect, both of New York City, was selected today by the secretary of war for completion of the tomb of the unknown soldier. CONSTITUTIONALITY OF MONT. GAS TAX UPHELD Washington, Dec. 10 (AP)of Hart Refineries challenging the constitutionality of the Montana gasoline tax law was dismissed by the court today on the ground license, that the federal question raised was frivolous. Travel-Inn Chicken Parlors 214 6th Avenue S.

W. C. W. Beals, Prop. Next door to Transfer Warehouse COD COD Always Do My Shopping by Checks Doing Christmas shopping by check is such a safe and sane way to do.

No need to carry any money with you on a shopping trip. Just tell them to send your purchases C. O. and you pay for them by check when they are delivered to your home. Or if you are buying on a charge account, there is no easier way to pay your balance than by check.


P. Hess, Pres. J. B. Racek, Cashier Pauline C.

Lyon, V. Pres. J. F. Tavis, Asst.

Cashler J. H. Newton, V. Pres. W.

J. Watson, Asst. Cashier R. L. Meech, V.

Pres. A. R. Weinhandl, Asst. Cash.

G. A. Renden L. A. Tavia R..

Morning Pioneer from Mandan, North Dakota (2024)
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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

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Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.